Imprisonment & Forced Labor
March 20, 2025More About the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Sichuan Province Women’s Prison
March 9, 2025The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jidong Prison, Hebei Province
Feb. 18, 2025The Human Rights Persecution at the 6th Division in Anhui Province Women’s Prison
July 16, 2024Having Served Three Labor Camp Terms Totaling Five Years, Hubei Man Sentenced to Three Years for Practicing Falun Gong
June 5, 2024Inner Mongolia First Women’s Prison Continues to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners after Recent Reorganization
April 26, 2024Heilongjiang’s Tailai Prison Actively Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
April 9, 2024Liaoning Woman Put in Labor Camp and Imprisoned Three Times for Practicing Falun Gong, Brutally Tortured During 12 Years Behind Bars
Feb. 6, 2024After Nearly 16 Years Behind Bars for Her Faith in Falun Gong, Sichuan Woman Secretly Sentenced to Another 7 Years
Feb. 2, 2024Eight Years After Husband’s Persecution Death, Disabled Woman Sentenced to Six Years for Their Shared Faith
Dec. 23, 2023Beauty Salon Owner’s Persecution – Shop Closed and 12 Years Behind Bars
Nov. 16, 2023Belated News: Award-winning Chemistry Teacher Endures Four Years of Abuse While Imprisoned for Practicing Falun Gong
Sept. 19, 202366-year-old Woman Secretly Sentenced for Practicing Falun Gong
Sept. 19, 2023Beijing Artist Arrested Again for His Faith, Falun Gong, After He was Incarcerated for Nearly 13 Years
March 19, 2023Heilongjiang Engineer Tortured for Three Years in Prison for Her Faith
Nov. 1, 2022Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Jiazhou Prison in Sichuan Province, Two Die
Oct. 13, 2022Sentenced Twice for His Faith, to 10 and 7 years, Gansu Man Recounts Torture during 2nd Term
Aug. 26, 2022Crimes Against Falun Gong Practitioners in the 11th Ward of Shandong Province Women’s Prison
Aug. 7, 2022Falun Gong Practitioners Relentlessly Persecuted at Lanzhou Prison in Gansu Province
July 12, 2022Company Liaison to Chinese Prisons Reveals Cruel Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners
July 11, 2022How Gansu Province Women’s Prison Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners Incarcerated for Their Faith
March 27, 2021Surveillance and Inspections in Zhengzhou Prison
March 8, 2021Public Servant Stripped of 22 Years of Seniority and Pension after a Wrongful Conviction of Ten Years
March 1, 2021How Guards in Jilin Province Women’s Prison Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
Jan. 30, 2021Deaths and Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunnan Second Women’s Prison
Jan. 25, 2021Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangdong Women’s Prison Brutally Tortured
Jan. 4, 2021Brutality Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province
Dec. 16, 2020Seven Heilongjiang Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned and Tortured for Their Faith
Dec. 8, 2020Ningxia Senior Engineer Recalls 3.5 Years of Abuse in Prison for His Faith
Dec. 5, 2020Married Couple and Their Son Given Heavy Terms for the Couple’s Spiritual Belief
Nov. 26, 2020Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Liaoning Province Women’s Prison
Oct. 11, 2020Elderly Woman Imprisoned for Her Faith Loses Hearing after Vicious Beating
Oct. 11, 2020Ms. Xiong Meiying Persecuted in Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison
Sept. 20, 2020Made to Wear Straitjacket and Sprayed with Chili Water, Yunnan Woman Recalls 4.5 Years of Imprisonment
Sept. 6, 2020Ongoing Torture and Brainwashing of Falun Gong Practitioners in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
July 11, 2020Surviving Nine Brutal Years in Prison for My Faith
July 1, 2020Liaoning Woman Serves Eight Years for Her Faith, Subjected to Inhuman Torture
June 30, 2020Widow Finds Hope in Practicing Falun Gong—Then Jailed for 12 Years for Her Faith
June 30, 2020Human Rights Abuses in Jiangxi Province Women's Prison
June 7, 2020Jilin Woman Brutally Tortured for More Than Five Years for Upholding Her Faith
May 2, 2020Falun Gong Practitioners in Binhai Prison Tortured During the Pandemic
Feb. 25, 2020Heilongjiang Women’s Prison Orders Inmates to Drug Falun Gong Practitioner
Feb. 7, 2020Forms of Torture Used in Jilin Prison on Falun Gong Practitioners Who Refuse to Renounce Their Faith
Jan. 7, 2020Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia: At Least 31 Falun Gong Practitioners Still Imprisoned for Their Faith
Oct. 28, 2019Woman Recounts Torture Suffered During Nine Years of Imprisonment For Upholding Her Faith
Sept. 12, 2019Falun Gong Practitioner Recounts Torture in Jiangxi Women's Prison
Aug. 21, 2019Former Middle School Arts Teacher Recounts 12 Years of Wrongful Imprisonment
Aug. 20, 2019Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Jilin Women’s Prison for Refusing to Renounce Their Belief
Aug. 19, 2019How Falun Gong Practitioners Are Tortured in Tianjin First Prison
July 18, 2019Victim of Psychiatric Abuse Caged in Fanjiatai Prison
July 2, 2019Ms. Bi Jianhong on Hunger Strike in Prison, Family Concerned about Her Health
July 1, 2019Personal Account of Abuses in Liaoning Women's Prison
June 27, 2019Practitioners Tortured in Suzhou Prison, Anhui Province
June 25, 2019Ms. Gao Yuxiang’s Personal Account of Ten Years in Changchun Women’s Prison
June 23, 2019Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Gongzhuling Prison
June 17, 2019Two Sisters Jailed for Their Faith Denied Family Visits on Multiple Occasions
March 24, 2019Female Practitioners Tortured at Longquan Women's Prison
Dec. 4, 2018International Businessman Recounts 10 Years of Torture in Prison (Part 2)
Dec. 4, 2018At Least 14 Female Falun Gong Practitioners Currently Detained in Changchun City No. 4 Detention Center
Dec. 3, 2018International Businessman Recounts 10 Years of Torture in Prison (Part 1)
Nov. 28, 2018Gansu Women's Prison Authorities Abuse and Humiliate Falun Gong Practitioners
Nov. 27, 2018Arrested Prior to 2008 Beijing Olympics, Liaoning Woman Detained and Tortured 10 Years for Her Belief
Nov. 25, 2018Recalling Over 3 Years of Imprisonment and Torture
Oct. 21, 2018Sichuan Man Recounts Unspeakable Torture He Suffered During Imprisonment for His Faith
Sept. 6, 2018Liaoning Man Sentenced Again for His Faith After Decade of Imprisonment, Torture
Sept. 2, 2018Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners at Liaoning Women's Prison, Including Suspected Use of Sonic Weapon
Aug. 28, 2018The Horrors of Benxi Prison
Aug. 19, 2018Ms. Liu Shuying Released After Seven Years of Illegal Imprisonment
Aug. 11, 201870-Year-Old Woman Released on Verge of Death
Aug. 11, 201860-Year-Old Manchurian Released on Bail Near Death
Aug. 11, 2018Factory Worker Imprisoned for Seven Years for Practicing Falun Gong
July 23, 2018Tactics Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in the No. Four Prison in Zhejiang Province
July 22, 2018Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangxi Province Women's Prison
July 11, 2018A Family with a Diamond-Strong Will
June 17, 2018Young Woman's Life Shattered in the Persecution of Her Spiritual Belief
May 30, 2018Persecution of Falun Gong: CCP Violates International Conventions Against Torture and Slave Labor
March 31, 2018Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners Continues at Heilongjiang Women's Prison
March 18, 2018The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunnan Prison
March 4, 2018Ms. Tang Kaju Recalls Her Time in Prison
Oct. 12, 2017Wife Finally Allowed to See Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioner after Two Years
Oct. 2, 2017Middle School Teacher Recounts Beatings, Brainwashing in Prison
Aug. 12, 2017Inmates Earn Early Release for Torturing Falun Gong Practitioners
Aug. 10, 2017Changchun City Man Tortured for 13 Years in Prison for Printing Falun Gong Materials
July 19, 2017Torture of Practitioners in Jinan Prison Leaves Some Unable to Care for Themselves
March 14, 2017Son Imprisoned for His Faith Denied Deathbed Visit with Mother
Feb. 28, 2017Falun Gong Practitioners Face Unrelenting Torture in Qianjin Prison
Feb. 28, 2017Xinxiang Women’s Prison Continues to Abuse Falun Gong Practitioners
Feb. 20, 2017Perseverance: Couple Seeks Release of Their Son, Imprisoned for 20 Years
Dec. 9, 2016Gongzhuling Prison Notorious for Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners
Nov. 18, 2016Crimes Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Yuzhang Prison
Sept. 15, 2016Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Kangjiashan Prison in Liaoning Province
Aug. 27, 2016Mr. Yang Xiaoguang Detained 16 Years for Practicing Falun Gong
Aug. 13, 2016Forced Labor in Chinese Detention Centers: Unethical and Unsanitary
Aug. 13, 2016Elderly Couple Not Allowed to Visit Their Son in Jidong Prison
June 14, 2016Liaoning Man in Coma After Second Prison Sentence for His Faith
June 14, 2016Practitioners Tortured, Forced-Fed Unknown Drugs in Jiangxi Provincial Women's Prison
June 10, 2016Falun Gong Practitioner Almost Dies from Torture in Prison
June 5, 2016Forced Labor and Torture in a Liaoning Province Prison
April 18, 201641 Falun Gong Practitioners Currently Incarcerated, Tortured in Hulan Prison
March 26, 2016Prison Interferes with Family Visits to Former Police Director
March 14, 2016Shanghai Woman Remains in Prison, Family Visits Denied