Image for article The Hopi Prophecy (I)

"Year 2000 is close approx. time. Everything happens right after another like dominos...."

--- Excerpts from "Hopi Prophecy"

Image for article Assimilating To Dafa and Returning to the Ultimate Home

Note: After a long tribulation and wait, enduring the sufferings is no longer the only way to return home.

Teacher says, " a practitioner, if you can assimilate to this characteristic, then you attain the Tao. It is such a simple principle." Now, as Dafa practitioners, it is time for us to ask ourselves whether we have assimilated to Dafa, and to the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. If the answer is "no," it seems we ought to consider ...

Image for article UK/China Human Rights Dialogue

On 16-18 October 2000 the UK and Chinese Governments had a meeting on human rights issues. Set out below is part of a letter from John Battle, Minister in UK Government, which describes what the UK Goverment said.

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