Today’s Articles
July 17, 2014
About Dafa
- Still So Arrogant and Reckless?
- Persevering Through 15 Years of Persecution: A Matter of Faith and Choice
- Tianti Bookstore: Fifth Nine-Day Seminar Concludes in New York
- Melbourne, Australia: Rally and Parade Mark 15 Years of Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution in China (Photos)
- Hsinchu, Taiwan: March and Candlelight Vigil Commemorate 15 Years of Resisting the Persecution (Photos)
- First Half 2014: Same-Period Arrests in Shandong Increase Over 60%
- Connecticut, USA: Congresswoman DeLauro Sends Support Letter to Rally on Capitol Hill
- Bangkok, Thailand: Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Practitioners Who Have Died as a Result of the Persecution
- Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution on the Eve of Its 15th Anniversary (Photos)
- Amsterdam: Locals and Tourists Encounter Falun Gong at Dam Square (Photos)
- Northern England: Falun Gong Well-Received at Leeds Health & Healing Festival (Photos)
- Shandong Woman's Personal Account Reveals Beatings, Injections, and Torture in Prison
- Police in Shandong Arrest Many Falun Gong Practitioners, Ransack Their Homes, Confiscate Personal Property
- Additional Persecution News from China – July 1, 2014 (15 Reports)