Image for article New Zealand: Symposium on CCP Organ Harvesting Calls for End to Atrocity

The symposium panel exposed the CCP’s crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and urged the New Zealand government to pass legislation to ban New Zealanders from going to China for organ transplants.

Image for article United Kingdom: University Students Experience the Beauty of Falun Dafa

One fellow who jumped in and did all four of the standing exercises said he felt as if he were standing in an energy field, while a passerby who was invited to attend a group practice site in Victoria Park said, “I would feel honored to be able to learn an ancient and spiritual practice.”

Image for article Jiang Zemin's Legacy to China: Incalculable Destruction

With Jiang’s death, it’s time for the Chinese people to speak up and reclaim the true legacy of 5,000 years of Chinese divinely-inspired civilization – and wake up from the nightmare of communism.

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