(Minghui.org) I’m a high school teacher and have taught for over 20 years. I’ve also been practicing Falun Dafa for over 20 years. During this time, compassionate Master has protected me and helped me overcome many difficulties and obstacles. The righteous Fa has shaped me into a broad-minded, optimistic, and unpretentious teacher who is loved by students and respected by parents.

As I reflect on my 20-plus years of teaching and practicing, vivid faces come to mind, and unforgettable memories flood my heart.

Rare and Precious Connections

Whenever I took on a new class, I always said in the first lesson, “Students, do you know how rare it is for us to meet here at this moment?” Some students looked surprised. “Let me break it down for you. First, you need to be a human being (the students would laugh). There are about seven billion people on Earth, and you are one of them. You need to be born in one of over 200 countries and regions, specifically China. You then need to be born in one of the more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities. And within our province alone, one of its many cities. More specifically, you need to be born in this city.

“More importantly, you can’t be too old right now (the students laugh again), and you can’t be too young, either. You need to be around 16 or 17 years old, just the right age to attend high school.

“You also needed to have stood out from over ten thousand candidates to get into our school and be assigned to this class from over 40 other classes. That’s how you are able to sit here at this moment. But that’s not all. Let’s now consider me. I also need to meet the same criteria. First, I need to be …” 

“A human!” the students eagerly shouted out.

“Yes, then I need to be Chinese, born in the same province, city, and county. I also need to be the right age, and I need to be assigned to teach your class this year. Additionally, I have to be selected from dozens of teachers to be your subject teacher. So, only in this way can I stand here today!

“If you multiply all these probabilities to obtain a combined probability, the chance of us meeting at this moment is almost zero. Then, what does this mean? It means it’s nearly impossible. Yet it has happened! It’s as if it was deliberately arranged. What do we call this?”

The students eagerly responded, “Miracle!” “Magic!” I said, “In traditional Chinese culture, there's a saying that ... ” At this point, almost all the kids answered, “Fate!” 

“Yes, it’s fate! Students, we are brought together by fate, and it’s worth cherishing! We should also cherish the relationships between you and your classmates and even your deskmates. So, in the future, I hope you learn to be tolerant and patient with one another and encourage them, and, together, let’s enjoy this wonderful high school journey and create beautiful memories!”

Whenever I talked about this, I was deeply touched. I thought: How fortunate was I to be born when Falun Dafa was spreading widely?

Master’s teachings made me realize that my mission is to clarify the truth about Dafa to my students, to disprove the lies of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) atheism, and to guide them back to traditional values and their innate kindness. 

I would hold myself to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and treat each child kindly. And with this simple and sincere intention, I embarked on a unique teaching journey.

Modelling Kindness

In today’s China, pursuing fame and money takes precedence, and people will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Teachers are no exception. Many of my colleagues treat their students as pawns to help them get promotions, bonuses, and awards. There is no warmth or real educating done in the classrooms. And teachers have no concern for the students after class.

As a Dafa practitioner, I strive to be a pure lotus in a muddy world and aim to restore education’s true essence: impart knowledge, teach, and clear up misunderstandings. I want to use the wisdom granted by Dafa to awaken the student's innate pursuit of truth and kindness. With the compassion of a Dafa practitioner, I protect their vulnerable hearts.

High school students today face immense academic and mental pressure, leading many to develop psychological issues. They struggle to communicate with others and can feel deeply troubled. When they encounter a Dafa practitioner, however, their experience is different. The inherent kindness of practitioners makes students sense that we’re different from other teachers.

In addition, my classroom atmosphere is relaxed, and the content is rich and diverse. My students do not feel just a sense of novelty but a more profound impact. This is because most teachers don’t cover anything beyond the textbooks or what is on the exams. However, I integrate the contents of my subject with modern scientific discoveries. The cases and viewpoints I discuss often challenge their existing knowledge and debunk the lies of atheism.

I also incorporate current and historical events in China, exposing the lies propagated by the CCP and encouraging students to think about and analyze the facts for themselves. Since high school students can distinguish right from wrong, they gradually gain a new understanding of the CCP. I guide them to appreciate genuine traditional culture and learn how the ancients conducted themselves.

I use my understanding of Dafa’s principles to guide my students, and when there are questions or difficulties during our lessons, they unknowingly resolve their issues. Some students even say, “Teacher, you should be a psychologist!”

Outside of class, I help my students solve problems in both their studies and personal lives. Why can I do this? Because I am truly concerned for their welfare. Their lives are here for the Fa, not as pawns for pursuing fame and fortune! I love my students, and they love me. They feel my kindness and sincerity, knowing that their teacher is a good person who is teaching them to be good people.

Someone might ask: Doesn’t discussing topics unrelated to exams affect students’ grades? On the contrary, my students do very well academically. The wisdom of Dafa enables me to prepare lessons efficiently, as well as design innovative teaching strategies. My lectures are always vivid, humorous, and to the point, so much so that instructional supervisors often say my classes are very inspiring.

Many students have come and gone in my over 20 years of teaching. These lovely and endearing children have left a deep impression on me, and we’ve shared many touching experiences.

Yu’s Story

When Master taught and spread the Fa in China, he encouraged practitioners to write about their experiences and insights. Following his example, I asked my students to write about their experiences and reflections on my classes. And I responded to their questions, misunderstandings, and thoughts with solutions. Some students even wrote back to me more than once.

Yu was a quiet girl, and her letter was a bit special: “Hello, Teacher! Receiving your reply today was unexpected. Since entering high school, every teacher has asked us to write various kinds of letters, but as far as I know, very few teachers seriously read and replied to them. So, my last letter was somewhat superficial. But when I received your reply, I was moved.

“Your letter made me realize that you genuinely care about us and our thoughts. It made me feel respected and valued. No other teacher ever did that. Your genuine care and thoughtful responses helped me see my potential and inspired me to be more sincere and hardworking. I now look forward to your classes with enthusiasm and a desire to learn and grow. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher and showing us what true education is all about.”

Yu's heartfelt response made me realize the profound impact a teacher can have by simply showing genuine interest and care. It reinforced my belief in the importance of treating each student with kindness and respect, and it motivated me to continue nurturing and guiding them with compassion and wisdom.

Yu also wrote, “Teachers always focus on the top students. My grades are not good. In middle school, I received some attention from teachers, but in high school, my grades just didn’t improve. So I relaxed a lot because I felt that teachers wouldn’t care about me anyway. But you, Teacher, have truly changed my perspective. You genuinely love us. I should say that you are the only teacher among many who makes us feel loved. Thank you so much!

“Teacher, honestly, I’m not exaggerating when I say you are like a god to us. This is not flattery! So I want you to know that you are wonderful, and we love you very much. Maybe you were sent by heaven to save me! Some teachers might see me as a loser, but you don’t. I genuinely admire you. With the approach of senior year, I hope you will continue to teach us and be the one to lead us from ordinary to excellence. We love you!”

Reading this letter left a deep impression on me. Perhaps an average person would feel very happy and gratified to receive such praise from a student, as it’s indeed not easy to earn such recognition. But, as a practitioner, I saw the longing for a soul and the heavy responsibility associated with that. Everyone has an innate side that longs for the truth and salvation from Dafa, and practitioners are well aware of this.

Yu’s academic performance was average, and nothing about her made her stand out. So she didn’t attract much attention from her teachers. I treat all students equally because I understand our connection and the purpose of their coming to me. I recognize the preciousness of their lives, regardless of their grades, appearance, or family background. I treat them kindly.

The phrase “Maybe you were sent by heaven to save me” has always stuck with me. I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a Dafa practitioner, so I earnestly ask Master for this opportunity.

Yu once came to me for advice on choosing a major, and I knew the opportunity had come. She was pretty interested in law, and I said, “Law is a great profession, standing up for justice and fairness. But it’s also challenging and requires hard work. Of course, to excel in any field, you have to put in the effort.” Yu agreed, saying, “Teacher, I think the same. Standing up for justice, maintaining fairness, and the income is also decent.”

I continued, “In today’s China, there are not many lawyers who stand up for justice like that. The government itself tramples on the law. Do you know about Falun Dafa? It’s a spiritual practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. No law in China says Falun Dafa is a cult. And in clauses 99 and 100 of the State Administration of Press, and Publication (as well as Order No. 50), a prior ban was abolished and legally allowed the possession of Falun Dafa books.

“However, the Chinese authorities, including the police, prosecutors, and courts ignore these laws and violate them at will. These authorities do so based on direct orders from the ‘higher-ups,’ leading to the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.

“But many righteous lawyers know that Dafa teaches people to be good and is a legitimate spiritual practice! So they defend these innocent practitioners. Their well-founded and justified defense arguments leave prosecutors, courts, and police officers speechless. Some judges even rage in the courtroom: ‘Do not talk to them about the law, as they only obey the CCP!’ You see, this is the current situation with China’s legal system.”

Yu nodded as she listened. I also told her the truth about the staged “self-immolation” on Tiananmen Square, explaining how it was a hoax perpetrated by the CCP to frame Falun Dafa.

Yu understood the truth about Falun Dafa. I then talked to her about the Hidden Character Stone in Guizhou Province with characters naturally carved on it. Yu then agreed to withdraw from the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers. After our conversation, she repeatedly thanked me.

A life saved! Yu, do you know? In the eyes of ordinary teachers, you might seem like a lost cause, but not in my eyes. You are someone watched over by heaven!

Guo’s Story

I first heard of Guo shortly after the start of the school year. His homeroom teacher said, “We have a few special kids in our class, including Guo. He has some psychiatric issues and has been in a psychiatric hospital for a while. So please don’t ask him questions.” After that, I took a look during class: “Oh, he’s Guo!” I remembered that, a few days before, a boy came to my office and asked me not to ask him questions in class, and I agreed. It was him!

In the following days, I noticed that Guo sometimes slept in my class, but he woke up and laughed along when the discussion got interesting.

During self-study one night, he came to my office and wanted to chat with me. I took him for a walk around the campus, and he remarked, “Teacher, you’re different from other teachers. Other teachers, including the homeroom teacher and the head of the department, whenever they say something, I know what they’re going to say next. But you’re different. I have no idea what you’re going to say next. Did you know I was in a psychiatric hospital for a while?”

Guo shared his past experiences and what led to his current state. He recounted an incident from second grade when something in the classroom broke, and all his classmates pointed at him. The teacher took him outside and interrogated him. Unable to admit to something he didn’t do, Guo was scolded and hit until he falsely confessed. From then on, he was blamed for all the mischief in the class. He lived in this atmosphere throughout elementary school.

Guo became lonely, and no one understood his pain. During junior high, he attended a private boarding school where, due to the school’s money-making schemes, he was also mistreated, leaving him deeply resentful towards teachers. It wasn’t until he met me that he realized I was different, both my teaching style and my attitude toward students. So he was willing to talk to me.

I shared my thoughts with him based on my understanding. I said, “I had no idea you had gone through so much. I empathize with what you’ve been through and understand your feelings. Thankfully, you endured! But harboring resentment isn’t good. It not only fails to help you solve problems but also makes you unhappy, filling your heart with darkness. 

“This is a serious internal injury that, over time, can cause significant harm to your body and mind. In the future, feel free to talk to me more. Let’s discuss things together.” I didn’t want to say too much to him the first time. It takes time to thaw what’s frozen and, of course, it’s not something that can be done in a day.

Guo started coming to talk to me more often, and his mental state and class performance improved significantly. I encouraged him to study more and strive to get admitted to a good university.

As graduation approached, he came to my office and gave me a gift. It was a book he loved the most. Guo said it was for me to keep as a souvenir. What a great kid!

We walked around the campus during the last evening of self-study. I thanked him for the book and, during this conversation, I clarified the truth to him about Falun Dafa. He agreed to quit the CCP’s affiliated organizations. I said, “I’ll give you the name Sunshine to quit under. I hope your heart is filled with sunshine, which drives away resentment and darkness. I sincerely wish you happiness!”

At this moment, under the campus lights, I noticed tears in Guo’s eyes. Throughout our conversation, tears remained in his eyes. I didn’t ask him why he was crying, and I didn’t need to because I already knew the answer. Deep within, he had found the truth, the answer for his next life.

The Story of Yan

Yan was a quiet girl who studied hard but struggled to keep her grades above average.

As the winter holiday approached, Yan’s homeroom teacher gave me an expensive gift card, saying it was from Yan’s father to each teacher. The teacher left quickly after handing me the card, so I had to take it. Shortly after the new semester began, I wrote a letter to her father and enclosed the card.

The following year, the same thing happened: I received the card, temporarily accepted it, and returned it. However, Yan’s father insisted on seeing me. During our meeting, Yan’s parents were very emotional. They said, “It’s rare to find a teacher like you. Yan talks about you every day, telling us what you taught. She admires you greatly. Meeting a teacher like you is a blessing for Yan and for us as her parents.”

They asked me to tutor Yan during the holidays. I agreed, but with the condition that we wouldn’t discuss payment. I said, “I can tutor her, but we won’t talk about money, or I won’t do it.” So I tutored Yan during the holidays. In the first month of her senior year, Yan’s father repeatedly asked for my bank account number, which I refused to give. He also tried to meet me to give me money, but I politely declined.

Yan then transferred to a school in the South for various reasons. Before she left, she came to my office to say goodbye. She burst into tears before she could even speak. I comforted her, knowing she was a kindhearted child and believing she would have a bright future because she understood the truth about Falun Dafa. I also helped her withdraw from the Party.

Yan’s life in the South didn’t go well, so she kept in touch with me. Her mother told me over the phone that Yan constantly compared me with her current teachers, sensing a huge difference. She hoped I could talk to Yan more, as she trusted me. I gladly agreed. I chatted with her to relieve her stress and helped her with her studies online. With Yan’s effort and perseverance, she made a good score on the college entrance exam and was admitted to a satisfactory university.

Yan’s father insisted on thanking me, “You’ve helped us so much. At least let us pay her tuition for tutoring as a token of our gratitude.” I didn’t meet with him. One evening, Yan’s mother called to say they were waiting at my door and wouldn’t leave until they saw me. She added, “We won’t talk about tuition. We know your character. We just want to see you, as it’s a common courtesy.” So I went out to meet them. As they said, they didn’t discuss tuition but gave me a small gift for my wife instead—a gold necklace.

It turned out they had been discussing how to thank me, considering me their benefactor. Yan suggested buying me an iPhone (since I used a flip phone) or a watch, but they couldn’t decide. Finally, Yan’s mother decided on the gold necklace, not for me but for my wife. They handed me the necklace and left quickly amidst the bustling crowd, so I had to accept it.

Back home, the gold necklace became a burden on my mind. How could I return it? I arranged for Yan to visit me before her university started, saying I wanted to give her a graduation album. The appointment kept getting rescheduled, and I wondered if she would make it. I prayed for an opportunity. Finally, Yan came. I gave her the prepared album with my message and handed her the gold necklace. She told me her mother had warned her that the meeting would involve the necklace and that she must not bring it back.

I explained, “You know, I’m a person of faith. I teach you to be a good person, so I must be one, too. If I accept the necklace and my wife wears it, what would I say if someone asks about it? That it’s from a student’s parent? That wouldn’t be right. Should I lie and say I bought it? That goes against what I teach you about honesty.

“There’s something I didn’t want to mention, but now it seems necessary. I once had a student who didn’t do well in his first college entrance exam and wanted to retake it but couldn’t afford it. I helped pay his tuition and part of his living expenses. After getting into college, we lost contact. Years later, I ran into him at the school gate with his newlywed wife. They had come to thank me and share their happiness. They had good jobs, a house, and a car, all thanks to my help.

“So I want you to take the necklace back and leave a good story. Take it back, and when you succeed in your studies and career, if you want to express your gratitude, that would be understandable!”

After hearing my explanation, Yan took the necklace back, and I felt relieved. Yan’s mother later told me, “There really aren’t many teachers like you!”