(Minghui.org) Mei experienced a life-changing tragedy when she was young. When she got older she found Falun Dafa, and she now understands the true meaning of her existence. 

Mei is now 55. She was an attractive young woman. “When I was young, everyone told me I was beautiful and would have no problem finding a good man. I didn’t care how I looked and wasn’t moved when people praised me. I just thanked them.” Not taking her beauty seriously helped her later in life. 

Face Damaged in Car Accident

One winter day, 24-year-old Mei was with her boyfriend when their car crashed into a tree. The windshield broke and the shattered glass cut her face and became embedded in her eyes. 

When she woke up in the hospital, Mei’s left eye was injured and her right eye was permanently blind. “My classmates couldn’t stop crying when they visited me in the hospital. I still have the scar. People often asked if I planned to get plastic surgery. I never cared about how I looked—I looked one way then, and now I don’t, it wasn’t a big deal.” She wasn’t angry, nor did she cry. 

Mei said she never knew what she wanted; she didn’t care about her looks, nor did she yearn for money or fame. “I didn’t want anything. I never thought about the meaning of life. I didn’t think that I had a bad life, and I did not yearn for a better one.” Mei later married her boyfriend. 

A Bright Future after the Storm

One evening a coworker told Mei about Falun Dafa. “After we finished talking about business, he said that he was going to meditate. I was curious, and he told me that he practiced Falun Dafa, and suggested that I get the book Zhuan Falun. We'd been business partners for years and I trusted him. It was late at night, but on my way home I went to a bookstore and bought a copy of Zhuan Falun before the store closed.” 

At first, Mei thought the book was a good read and opened up a window in her mind. She felt she could breathe. “It taught me to be a good person and explained things I never heard before. My mind was opened, and I felt connected with something greater.” 

She gradually realized the book was a treasure, “Since I was a child I didn’t know why I was alive, and I didn’t have any guidelines to follow. After I began practicing, I knew that everything and every life in the universe has a standard. The book was a treasure and it taught me how to live.” 

Years later she realized Zhuan Falun was a heavenly book, “It’s not just about having a standard to measure right and wrong, but it’s also about finding my true nature and returning to where I came from.” She knew the meaning of life and why people practice cultivation. 

Mei believes Zhuan Falun is a heavenly book.

She said she was often moved to tears when she read Zhuan Falun, as she felt grateful for Master Li’s teachings. “My third eye isn’t open but I believe every word Master says. After my mother began practicing, she could see scenes in other dimensions. She saw pavilions and flowers in heaven and said that they were amazing. The colors and scenery were nowhere to be found in this world.” 

Husband and Wife Spread the Truth Together

After her husband began practicing he experienced something amazing and miraculous. “He once fell from a height and landed on his head and injured his neck and back. When we meditated he told me that he heard his neck making cracking sounds, and it no longer hurt.” 

Mei does the second Falun Dafa exercise.

The couple began telling people about Falun Dafa. They often had to drive to different places to meet their customers. In the rear trunk of their car, they always have boxes of Zhuan Falun. “We tell our friends and customers that we practice Falun Dafa and it’s great. We ask them to take a look at this wonderful book. Most people happily accept a copy.” The couple has given out more than 200 copies so far. 

To let people know about the ongoing persecution in China and expose the lies told by the Chinese Communist Party to smear Falun Dafa, Mei became involved in the media. She makes videos to tell the public what happened in the persecution. “Luckily I still have a working eye. My doctor told me that the sight in my injured eye would deteriorate as I got older and I may eventually become blind. I knew what I was doing was the right thing, and I continued to heavily use this eye. It still functions normally.” 

Elderly Father’s Health Recovers

Mei’s father’s health suddenly declined, and she was exhausted from going to the emergency room and ICU. “For a while, we all thought that he was leaving us, and the doctor issued a final notice. However his condition dragged on, and he didn’t get better or worse. I began to wonder if there was something that I hadn’t done for him.” 

She knew her father had some misunderstandings about Falun Dafa, but never said anything. The day he went home from the hospital, Mei told him, “I want to thank you for supporting me in practicing Falun Dafa, I truly do.” The moment she looked into his eyes, she knew the estrangement between them was gone. He no longer had negative thoughts about my practice. I also told him that he came from heaven, and there is a possibility that he can return to the paradise he came from. 

Mei and her father. 

From that day on, Mei played Minghui Radio podcasts for him, and read Zhuan Falun out loud. He gladly listened. “When he was discharged from the hospital he was bedridden and covered in bedsores. After we talked, he could sit up. Then he could walk and his health improved by the day. He’s 98 years old now, and healthy.” 

Mei’s life with Falun Dafa is full of grace and joy. She finally knows what she wants. She thanked Master for saving her and teaching her how to practice. “I want to tell everyone that there’s a book that can help you return home—Zhuan Falun.”