(Minghui.org) I’m in my 70s now and have been practicing the spiritual discipline Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) since 1996.

I used to have poor health but turned into a healthy new person shortly after I took up the practice. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started a brutal persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, which caused enormous suffering to tens of millions of innocent and kindhearted people. 

On July 20, 1999, the CCP launched a surprise arrest of the members of the Falun Dafa Research Association and those in charge of various provincial and municipal assistance centers. In the afternoon of July 22, CCTV, the CCP’s central mouthpiece, made an announcement that Falun Gong was banned, which instantly triggered the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners across China. I have suffered a lot since then. Looking back, my heart is filled with a multitude of feelings.

My Miserable Childhood

I had a tough time as a child. My mother gave birth to me when she was in her 40s. She produced very little milk to breastfeed me, and the family was too poor to buy nutritional supplements. Her brother ran a small restaurant at the time, so she often went to his place to ask for some leftover rice soup to feed me. Worse still, I also suffered from chronic diarrhea and was malnourished. As a result, my growth was extremely stunted, my arms were the same size as an adult’s thumb, and I looked skeletal. My crying was extremely weak. People thought I was a little freak and kept a distance from me.

Since I was underweight and fragile, my mother put me in a small basket to carry me around with her because she thought I could die at any moment. Our relatives and neighbors all thought that I couldn’t survive and urged my mother to throw me away, but she couldn’t do it as I was still a living being. I struggled along, and it was not until I was four years old that I started teething and learning to talk and walk.

When I started school, I was still frail and sick. I felt constant dizziness and pain in my head and had poor grades. I also failed to pass the entrance examination for junior high school. After working at home herding cattle for a year, I went to junior high school thanks to my family belonging to the “poor peasant class,” a categorization hailed by the CCP at the time. 

Shortly after I started high school, the CCP launched the notorious Cultural Revolution, during which it incited the masses of ordinary people to fight and hate each other. This led to violent fighting among them. 

I went to Beijing as a Red Guard member as part of the “great networking” and joined one of the local rebel groups that fought with another rebel group. Both advocated the slogan “Defend the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao.” The two groups were at each other’s throats and tried to kill each other using whatever weapons they had.

A girl I knew was hit by a bullet one day and left lying on the ground. No one offered her any help, and passersby kicked her simply because she belonged to a different faction. She died in the end. 

I started to feel suspicious of the CCP and the Cultural Revolution after this incident. Still, it wasn’t until I read Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party that I gained a much deeper understanding of the truly evil nature of the CCP. 

Due to poor health since childhood, I was very interested in medical science. Since regular studies were interrupted by the Cultural Revolution, I spent a lot of time and effort gaining medical knowledge on my own. I became a self-taught “barefoot doctor” in our local area. Later, I took charge of our village clinic. 

Falun Gong Gives Adherents a New Life

In the 1980s, qigong became very popular throughout China. I was also interested and spent a lot of time and money learning at least ten types of qigong, but I wasn’t happy with any of them. My health did not improve much either. It wasn’t until I came across Falun Gong in 1996 that I felt in my heart it was what I had been looking for all these years.

Not long after I started the practice, all my long-standing illnesses disappeared, and I felt very relaxed and healthy like I never had before. Since then, I have never been sick or needed to take any medication. I conduct myself according to Falun Gong’s guiding principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. I always speak and act truthfully, and I am kind and considerate of others in everything I do. I show patience and understanding with all patients and always choose affordable and fast-acting medicines to reduce patients’ financial burdens.

Many of my patients had previously spent a lot of money seeking treatment elsewhere but were still suffering from their ailments. However, they recovered after I treated them and only paid me a very small amount of money. I treated my patients equally, whether they were rich or poor. If a patient had no money to pay for the treatment, I kept a log of his/her account. However, I never asked them for the payment. If they still failed to pay after an extended period, I would burn their bills. I always provided long-term free treatment for people from impoverished families.

Thanks to my good medical skills and moral ethics, people came to me first when they fell sick, even though the state-run township medical center had much better facilities than I did. I was busy all day treating patients, but the township medical center was often quiet and had few patients. 

I was very popular and well-respected in our area. The local people elected me to the National People’s Congress as their representative. The local government also commended me many times and awarded me honorary titles.

In today’s China, doctors often hope to have as many patients as possible so they can earn more money. I changed my attitude after I started practicing Falun Gong. Money was no longer a focus, and I endeavored to help people gain good health. I introduced Falun Gong to all my patients, and many of them regained health from doing the practice and no longer needed to come to me for treatment. Although my income was lowered, I had no regrets and felt very happy for those people.

I also went to other townships and villages with fellow practitioners to promote Falun Gong whenever I had time, and the practice became very popular. People gained good health in general, including those who had long-standing illnesses. In addition to the health benefits, people’s morality also improved, and they abandoned various bad habits, such as gambling, drinking, and smoking. Some people who used to have bad tempers and often cursed or got into physical fights stopped such behaviors after they started practicing Falun Gong.

Households with Falun Gong practitioners became harmonious, showed respect to the elderly, and took good care of the young. They didn’t keep money or other things they happened to find and always tried to find the owner. They dealt fairly in business and were always willing to help others. 

With the increase in the number of people practicing Falun Gong in our town, social stability and social norms also improved. As a result, government management also became much easier than before. The local leaders were pleased and supportive of Falun Gong. They offered conference rooms and school classrooms for Falun Gong practitioners to do the exercises together. Some staff of the township government, including the CCP secretary and the mayor, also practiced Falun Gong. There were more than 1,000 people in our township and around 3,000 in the local county practicing Falun Gong at that time. Whenever there was a festival or a market day in town, we would practice the exercises together to promote Falun Gong. Such activities always attract a great number of people. 

During the Chinese New Year in 1999, the county authorities organized cultural performances for ten days in a public square. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate. Even though the county offered subsidies for participants, Falun Gong was the only group that did not ask for a subsidy from the local government. 

On that day, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises. Due to the large number of onlookers, the organizing team sent additional police officers to ensure that people wouldn’t cut through the practitioners’ procession. The county government highly praised the Falun Gong presentation, and the local county TV station broadcast a program showcasing the Falun Gong exercises. 

Had Falun Gong not been persecuted, our region would no doubt have kept moving in the right direction with an emphasis on social morality, harmonious interactions between people, promotion of virtue and doing good deeds, political integrity, and harmony among the people to name a few. Sadly, the CCP launched an unprecedented crackdown on Falun Gong in July 1999. 

The Suffering I Experienced

After CCTV announced the ban on Falun Gong on July 22, the CCP secretary and the mayor of our township came to my home and told me to tell local practitioners they could not come to my place for group exercise anymore. Around 8 p.m., several police cars and a large number of policemen surrounded my home. They took me to the police station for interrogation. 

They wanted me to say something bad about Falun Gong. I refused to do so and told them how Falun Gong had benefited me and other practitioners. The police put me in a stinking water dungeon more than a foot deep. Three days later, I was transferred to a detention center. The police said to me, “Who do you think you are? No one can survive punishment by the CCP, including high-ranking leaders like Peng Dehuai (a former minister of National Defense in China) and Liu Shaoqi (former chairman of the People’s Republic of China). You are like an ant and can be easily crushed if you continue to be stubborn.”

On the day I was taken to the detention center, a police officer from the National Security Brigade said to a group of inmates, “This Falun Gong [practitioner] is very stubborn. You can beat him as you like, and you won’t be held accountable even if he is beaten to death.” The inmates immediately pounced upon me and shouted, “Kill this Falun Gong [practitioner]!” They dragged me into a cell and started violently punching and kicking me, knowing they would not be held responsible.

In addition to punching and kicking me, they used various means to torture me, including forcing me to drink urine, pouring water over my body, forcing me to bend at 90 degrees, then hitting my back violently with an elbow, punching my chest hard where my heart is, bashing my head against the wall, forcing me to stand still for hours, rubbing irritating menthol balm into my eyes, stepping on my back, and more. They boasted that they had 108 torture methods to use on Falun Gong practitioners like me. 

I was tortured every day, and four ribs on the left side were broken. The perpetrators said to me, “You are so stubborn in sticking to Falun Gong practice and deserve to be beaten to death.” I was brutally beaten every day and felt dizzy all the time. A day felt like a year. It was so painful that each time I thought about it later, I shed tears. It was just so cruel, so horrific, and gut-wrenching.

CCP Slanders Falun Gong Using Fabricated “Death Cases”

Thanks to my upright conduct as a Falun Gong practitioner, the police could not find any evidence that I had committed a crime. All they got were people praising my good deeds. The 610 Office (an agency established for the sole purpose of persecuting Falun Gong) in our county came up with a wicked scheme. They charged me with “using superstition to cause death” and then sent police and staff from the township government to each village to collect information about people who had died. They offered a reward of 200 yuan to the deceased’s family if they were willing to sign and testify that I had caused the death. 

Most people were unwilling to sign such a false testimony, but two families agreed to testify. The county 610 Office made a big fuss about it and spread rumors that Wang, from a particular production team in a certain village, and Huang from a certain village, died after I did not allow them to take medicine. The fact is I had no idea who they were, and they never practiced Falun Gong. Their deaths had nothing to do with me. 

The 610 Office purposely published fake slanderous rumors in the newspaper to poison people’s minds. They also reported the two death cases to their superiors so they would be included in the so-called “1,400 Deaths Cases” report fabricated by the CCP to slander Falun Gong and to justify the persecution.

Later, I determined the actual cause of the two deaths cases they used against me and Falun Gong. Wang had severe heart disease, and because her son was fined heavily by the family planning office for having more children than allowed, their family was impoverished and had no money for Wang’s medical treatment. One day, her niece’s family killed a pig and gave her a piece of meat. She was very excited as her family hadn’t been able to afford meat for a long time. She hurried to the fields to pull up a few turnips to cook with the meat, but she fainted in the fields and died soon after she was carried home. Huang died of advanced liver cancer, and he had never practiced Falun Gong. 

No matter how they tortured and slandered me, I didn’t cooperate with the CCP in their scheme to slander Falun Gong and refused to admit any wrongdoing in their fabricated death cases. They had no choice but to release me on bail pending trial after extorting 5,000 yuan from my family. Before releasing me, the 610 Office arranged for a TV reporter to interview me at the detention center. I told the reporter that Falun Gong was very good and that I had benefited from the practice. I was shocked when I saw the interview when it was shown on the TV. They had altered what I said, and it looked like I said that Falun Gong had deceived me. This is a typical way the CCP twists facts to mislead the public. 

More Suffering in a Forced Labor Camp

I was sent to forced labor camps and brainwashing centers several times and suffered all kinds of inhumane torture. When I was first taken to a forced labor camp, I had to “go through the formalities” (that is, beatings and corporal punishment), which included being beaten with wooden sticks, having my head knocked on the ground for three days, standing still for seven days, and others. Such treatment was designed to create an atmosphere of terror. Inmates were often tortured till they screamed in pain. I was subjected to all kinds of torture, including being tied up tightly, suspended in the air, handcuffed in a painful way, violently beaten and kicked, locked in a dark room, forced to sleep on a concrete bed, or tied to the “Dead person’s bed” (a cruel torture in which the victim is tied, spread-eagle, for long hours or even days, causing the victim extreme pain as if feels like his/her body is being pulled apart). I was deprived of sleep at night, forced to stand for long hours, sit on a small narrow stool for a long time, or squat for hours, and was beaten violently when I moved just a little.

The most inhumane torture was called “rope tying.” Several people pushed me to the ground and held me there. They took off my clothes, and two policemen began tying me up with ropes, starting with my arms, each tying one arm. They used enormous force to tie my arms round and round, and the rope cut deeply into my flesh. The policemen were wearing gloves to protect their hands from the rough rope. After they tied up my arms, they used an iron rod to twist the ropes to make them even tighter. Very soon, my fingers and arms turned purple and black. The pain was excruciating.

When they untied me, the ropes were covered with skin and flesh, and my arms were bloodied. The wounds oozed blood and pus for over ten days. It took three to four months for my arms to heal. Eight years later, the rope marks are clearly visible, and my fingers and arms still feel numb from time to time. No matter how cruelly they tortured me, I never gave into the evil demands to defame Falun Gong.

After I was released from the forced labor camp, the 610 Office sent three men to live in my home and monitor me closely, completely ignoring the fact that my mother, my wife, and my daughter also lived in the house. They lived in my home for over a year, and members of the 610 Office and the national security police also often came to my house for so-called inspections. My home was turned into a different form of prison. 

What Goes Around Comes Around

The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong not only caused enormous suffering for Falun Gong practitioners and their families but also brought misfortune to those who participated in the persecution, as no one can escape the heavenly principle: What goes around comes around. Take our township for example. There have been dozens of cases over the years, in which people who participated in persecuting Falun Gong suffered tribulations. The following are a few examples of such cases.

Case 1

Zhang, the township CCP secretary, used to be very supportive of Falun Gong, and he even practiced the exercises a few times. However, after July 1999, seeing the change in policy of the CCP, he actively participated in the persecution. Not long after, he contracted vasculitis. One hand was amputated, and later, during the amputation of his foot, he died on the operating table.

Case 2

Li, a village CCP secretary, was also very supportive of Falun Gong before the persecution began, but he changed his attitude completely after July 1999. He confiscated Falun Gong books from practitioners and said at one mass meeting, “You said that Falun Gong cannot be moved. I don’t think so, and I am going to move the unmovable.” He died a month later. Before he died, his nephew asked him, “Falun Gong didn’t do anything to offend you. Why did you mistreat the practitioners?” He couldn’t answer and just shed tears of regret.

Case 3

Su was a police officer from an ordinary family who tried to get promoted by persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Although he was indeed promoted for this, he was diagnosed with cancer within just a few years. Doctors said that further treatment was pointless and told him to go home. Even though he had persecuted me in the past, I went to his home to clarify the truth to him. When I walked in, I saw a dozen police officers in the living room. He took me to another room where I tried to persuade him to repent for his wrongdoings and quit the CCP, but he wouldn’t listen. He died about two weeks later. A deputy director of the police station who was diagnosed with cancer at the same time recovered from his illness soon after he accepted the truth about Falun Gong after practitioners talked with him. What a stark contrast.

Case 4

There was a man in our town who lived next door to a Falun Gong practitioner. He cooperated with the 610 Office and monitored the practitioner. The 610 Office offered him a cell phone for his service. He worked very hard and constantly reported the practitioner’s movements. Sadly, he died a few years later, and his family was also ruined.

Case 5

A teahouse owner in our town reported more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners to the police at one time and received a reward of 500 yuan for each of them. A few days later, he collapsed and died while serving tea to a customer. 

There have been many other similar occurrences, but I won’t go into details about them here. The persecution of Falun Gong has been going on for 25 years, and even though the CCP has persecuted us practitioners brutally, we remain unmovable and indestructible. The CCP is reaching its end as more and more people get to know the truth. A whole new era is just around the corner.