Image for article As More People Signed, More People were Enslaved and Lost Their Human Rights

Chinese president Jiang Zemin recently initiated yet another assault against the Chinese people using the state media, propaganda machinery, administrative means, and financial enforcement measures. He launched the campaign by forcing the republic's citizens to sign his malicious documents that smear Falun Gong. As a matter of fact, his million-signature drive is the most solid and consistent first-hand evidence of Jiang Zemin's human rights violations and his mental and physical abuse of the Chinese people.

Image for article Toronto Observer: Falun Gong followers in Toronto say 'XX' label is inaccurate But Chinese government continues persecution of group

February 26, 2001

The Chinese government would have the world believe Falun Gong meditation is the practice of a [Chinese government' slanderous word]. But a Toronto practitioner disputes that claim and maintains it has improved his relationships.

Image for article Why should we make the trip to the Geneva Conference?

Since the crackdown on Falun Gong began in 1999, over 150 Falun Gong practitioners have died in police custody and countless more have been arrested and tortured. Those of us outside of China try to do everything we can to awaken the people to the horrifying crimes being committed in China, but every day we read about the latest escalation in the Chinese government' continuing persecution.

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