Please Help Me Rescue My Daughter, Who is Near Death from Persecution

( More than ten agents from the Weifang City "610Office" and Police Department in Shandong Province and others from the development zone police department illegally arrested my daughter Kong Qian at around 6:30 a.m. on July 9, 2008.

Mother Arrested, Daughter Unable Find Justice

( On September 19, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Guo Changyu, a resident from Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested by police officers from the 8510 Agriculture Administration Bureau because she talked about Falun Gong to someone at the Red Flag Mine. That night Ms. Guo was held at the Jidong County Detention Center.

A Diligent Group of Dafa Practitioners

( There is a group of practitioners, mostly elderly ladies, who have been doing the three things righteously, continuously, and diligently.

They wake up at 3:40 a.m. to do the morning group exercise. At 6:00 a.m., they send forth righteous thoughts. After all that is done, they get ready to go out. Some of them grab something to eat at home while others eat breakfast out. Then they go directly to a designated location to send forth righteous thoughts. They often travel in groups of two or three, as well as form a circle or semi-circle around the brainwashing center or the forced labor camp. Depending on the location, they either stand, or sit in the lotus position and keep their palms erect to send forth righteous thoughts. They do it quietly, calmly, compassionately, and with full concentration. Because of their pure and strong righteous thoughts and their concentrated focus on one location as a group, their states of mind are good and the results are quite excellent.

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