(Minghui.org) I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for 26 years, and I’d like to tell you about a recent miraculous incident.

On the morning of August 3, 2024, my mom and I went to visit a relative who lives in a rural area. As we headed back, a dark grey car drove towards us. I quickly moved to the side of the road to let the car get by, but I lost my balance, and fell into a deep fishpond which was next to the road.

I struggled as I began sinking in the water. I tried to hold my breath, but I swallowed mouthfuls of water. The pond was very deep. I didn’t know how to swim and felt I could die at any moment.

I suddenly became clearheaded and started silently reciting: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master, please help me!” Almost instantly, I felt my feet touch the bottom of the fishpond, and I used all my strength to push myself up. I felt I moved up quickly, but I dropped down and once again my feet touched the bottom. I gave another hard push and moved upward. This time my head came out of the water.

My mom later told me that after I surfaced I floated on my back. My feet kicked the water as I tried to grab a bamboo pole. After I got hold of the bamboo pole, I held on and pulled myself towards the shore. But I had no memory of any of this. It was truly amazing since I didn’t know how to swim, let alone float on my back. The only explanation was that Master saved my life.

As I was walking towards the shore and the water was up to my chest, the driver came back and entered the water to rescue me. He grabbed my hand and told me to calm down and take it easy. The man helped me walk through the shallow water, and he and my mom pulled me ashore.

The man sighed with relief and said “You scared me to death.” My mom said, “If you didn’t practice Falun Dafa, you would have died. Thank Master for saving your life.”

When I told a friend what happened, she said, “It’s miraculous! Your feet hit the bottom, and you rose up quickly after you pushed the bottom. But the bottom of the fishpond is a very thick layer of sludge. Stepping on it would get you stuck. How was it possible that you landed on a hard surface and were able to surface after just two kicks? It’s truly amazing!”

I still feel scared when I recalled what happened that day, but it’s even more clear to me that Master saved my life. My friend also believes this, and said, “Thank you, Master Li, for saving my good friend!”

I’m very grateful to Master for his compassionate salvation. I will continue to firmly believe in Master and Dafa, conduct myself according to Master’s teachings, and follow Master to one day return to my true home.