(Minghui.org) I’m 82 years old and grew up in the countryside. The harsh environment made me capable of enduring hardship, but it also made me hot-tempered. After I married, I moved to the city. Because I had a rural household registration and no job, my sister-in-law and mother-in-law looked down on me and often gave me disdainful looks, which I pretended not to notice. They scolded me and criticized everything I did. Whenever something was missing, they accused me of stealing it. As the scolding progressed, they started hitting me. I was filled with resentment!

One day, my anger erupted like a volcano. When my mother-in-law scolded me, I charged at her, pushed her down, and then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and rushed towards her. She never expected me to react so violently and was petrified. Fortunately, someone nearby managed to take the knife away, otherwise I may have killed her.

On one occasion, my husband was about to go out and asked me to find him some pants. I said, “I’m talking to a neighbor and you’re telling me to find your pants.” This was a casual conversation between my husband and I, and we weren’t angry. However, my sister-in-law overheard and thought I was mistreating her brother. She grabbed a teacup from the table and threw it at me. I wasn’t prepared, and it knocked out one of my teeth. This made me so angry that I went to her home and smashed everything I could find. After that, we didn’t speak for many years and treated each other like enemies.

I couldn’t control my temper and frequently argued with my husband and son. If things didn’t go my way, I fought them. If I had a gun, I might have used it.

Falun Dafa Changes My Life

I ran a small barbershop on the street and, over time, I got to know a woman who lived in the nearby building. She practiced Falun Dafa and often told me how wonderful the practice is. After I began practicing, I finally found the true meaning of life. I eagerly read the Fa (teachings) every day. I even prepared simple meals to save time so I could read the Fa.

Studying the Fa greatly improved my xinxing. Looking back on the conflicts and grievances in my family over the years, I realized these disputes were actually due to my karma. I must have owed them something from a past life, which was why they treated me poorly. I shouldn’t resent those who harmed me.

Understanding the principles of the Fa, I took the initiative to reconcile with my in-laws. I told my sister-in-law, “It was all my fault. After all these years, let’s not hold grudges against each other. Let’s forget everything and start anew. We should get along. I practice Falun Dafa and our Master teaches us to be good people. I will treat you well from now on.”

My sister-in-law smiled when she heard this. Afterward, I treated every member of my husband’s family warmly, and our relationships became harmonious. I also helped them do the “Three Withdrawals” (quitting from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations).

I also used to have conflicts with my daughter-in-law. When my son got married, I bought him an apartment. I also had two other houses, which were later demolished and replaced with two new apartments. My daughter-in-law wanted to transfer the ownership of all of them into their names. I got so angry that I overturned the table and had a big argument with them.

I later realized I had an attachment to personal gain. Could I really take the houses with me in the future? Sooner or later, I’d have to give the houses to them. Once I understood this, I said, “If you want to change the names on the registrations, then go ahead. They are yours now. Do whatever you want with them.” When I let go of my attachment, they stopped pushing me to transfer ownership.

I also reflected on myself and realized that losing my temper was a manifestation of negative emotions. I resolved to control myself and not lose my temper anymore. I wanted to improve in my cultivation, and I realized Master arranged for my son and daughter-in-law to help me with that.

One time, I went to my son’s home. As soon as I walked in, I saw my son and daughter-in-law rummaging through drawers and cabinets. They said they were looking for money, but couldn’t find it. My daughter-in-law asked, “Did you take my money?” I replied, “I didn’t take it.” She said, “If you didn’t take it, then why is it missing? You must have taken it; You know where my money is.”

“I didn’t take it,” I said. Suddenly, she exploded with rage and shouted, “Just leave! Go home, get out of here!” I decided to leave to avoid further conflict. As I was heading to the door, my son opened it for me, and I said, “Son, please try to calm her down and make sure she doesn’t get too upset. Don’t worry; she’ll find the money.”

Before I could finish talking, my son also shouted, “Leave, just go!” When I got home, I wasn’t angry. I thought to myself: I often gave you money, so why would I take it? You’re just testing my patience, I won’t be upset with you. I passed this test smoothly. They later found the missing money.

While running my barbershop, I ran into many people and began telling them about Falun Dafa. My customers came from all walks of life, which provided me with many cultivation opportunities. One day, a neighbor with a mental disability came to get a haircut. He said, “I haven’t had my hair cut here before, so you’d better give me a good haircut!”

I worked quickly, finishing his haircut and shave in just a few minutes. He thought I was treating him poorly, and he became enraged, hitting me and shouting at me. He left without paying. I didn’t say a word and endured his abuse. I thought this was an opportunity for me to improve my xinxing.

I constantly remind myself that I’m a cultivator and shouldn’t be concerned with trivial matters. Among the people who’ve come and gone, there are disabled individuals, those who are mentally impaired, and others who are not normal. I gave them all free haircuts. I saw their suffering and wanted to help them.

I no longer cut hair—instead I go out every day to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. I talk to everyone I meet. I encounter different people—some scold me, some thank me, some praise me, others threaten to report me. I remain unshaken and remember to treat all beings with compassion so that they may be saved.