(Minghui.org) My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 1997, and his condition was grave. Someone told him about Falun Dafa and suggested he try practicing. My husband began to practice and fully recovered in a month.

Surprised by this miracle, many family members, including me, began practicing. Guided by Master Li’s teachings, we acted according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance over the past 20 plus years.

When we were sending forth righteous thoughts on January 29, 2024, my husband suddenly fell backwards and his head landed in the narrow gap between two pieces of furniture. Although his head missed the sharp edges of the furniture, he lost consciousness.

I held him in my arms and begged Master for help while reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He came to about a minute later, and his clothes were damp with sweat. In the following days, he couldn’t eat or sleep. He previously had these symptoms, including vomiting, fever, and difficulty breathing, but they never lasted more than three days.

It was different this time. My husband said his chest hurt and he wondered if he had cardiovascular blockage. When he told a relative who was a physician, he said my husband needed to see a doctor. When my son heard what happened he came to take him to the hospital. He said he would call an ambulance if my husband refused to go.

At the hospital my husband had an ECG and blood and other tests. After the results came out, the attending physician called my son and I to his office, and said the situation was serious. According to a heart failure index, “normal” is below 125 pg/mL. My husband’s was over 8,000. An angiogram was scheduled for the following day, and there was a 99% chance that he would need surgery for a stent since it appeared he had a blood clot.

As my husband was being wheeled into the operating room the following day, I reminded him, “Righteous thoughts are very important.” We looked at each other and he knew what I meant. To my surprise, he was out in 20 minutes. The doctor said his blood vessels were clear and there was no problem. They then did an enhanced CT of his lungs and a color ultrasound of his legs.

As we waited for the results, my husband said, “I think I’m good now” and asked for something to eat. He was fine after that.

The doctor said the CT and ultrasound results were normal, and my husband told him how much better he felt. The doctor was confused and said, “When you came in, the situation was scary and I thought I would be here for the Chinese New Year. But now you’re doing so well—science cannot explain this. We spent an entire day checking you, but you don’t have any blood clots.”

When my husband was admitted to the hospital, he was given one dose of anticoagulant. We later heard its effect would be minimal since it had been four days since my husband had the symptoms. The attending physician said it was impossible to dissolve a blood clot with one dose of anticoagulant. At last he said, “Please go to the provincial hospital and get checked out. And do let me know if you figure out what happened!”

Looking back, I regret that I did not take a opportunity to explain the benefits of Falun Dafa to the doctor. My husband and I left the hospital and returned home that day. When we discussed this further, he also realized this was a test of life and death, but he did not pass it well. For example, he attributed it to cardiovascular blockage and believed what his relative said about an artery being blocked.

Fortunately, I reminded my husband about righteous thoughts as he was going into the operating room. His mind was clearer, and he thought about his responsibility of telling people about Dafa and clarifying the truth about the CCP’s propaganda. That’s why we thought his test results were normal. Both of us were grateful to Master Li and Falun Dafa. We also had a better understanding of something Master said:

“We have said that good or bad comes from a person’s initial thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences.” (“Lecture Four,” Zhuan Falun)

When they heard about this, our relatives were impressed by Falun Dafa. Most stopped believing the CCP’s defamatory propaganda and some decided to read Zhuan Falun.