(Minghui.org) I’d like to share some experiences I had when I talked to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Before the COVID pandemic I went to the market and talked to people about Falun Dafa. I met a man in his 60s and asked if he heard about Falun Dafa. I explained, “Falun Dafa teaches people to be virtuous, kind, and good. The practice has amazing effects in treating illnesses, so naturally about 100 million people practiced it. Jiang Zemin [former head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)] was jealous of Master Li, and launched the persecution. He was also behind the self-immolation hoax on Tiananmen Square.” I pointed out the discrepancies in the incident shown on TV and then talked about the “Hidden Character Stone” in Guizhou Province. The man quit the CCP’s organizations he joined and took some truth-clarification pamphlets.

When I saw him at the market after the pandemic he said he helped the village head quit the Party. I was happy for him because he did a good deed.

Practitioners Are Good People Who Tell the Facts

I told a man about Dafa at the market, and he said, “Your people already talked to me and I quit the Party.” I shared with him more details and gave him a USB flash drive which had information about Falun Dafa.

I ran into him a while later. He gave me a thumbs up, and said happily, “Everything you’ve told me is true.” I reminded him that what practitioners say are based on facts. I was happy for him.

I was talking to someone at the market before the pandemic, and a elderly man walked by, and said, “Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. They will be praised in the future.”

I realized I talked to him before, and those were his heartfelt words.

My Wife Finally Saw a Practitioner’s Kindness

When I started practicing Falun Dafa, my wife didn’t understand why I wanted to practice. After I was taken to a forced labor camp, sentenced, and jailed, she threatened to divorce me. Their health declined as her parents got older and they couldn’t take care of themselves.

My wife has a brother and sister. The brother was divorced and the sister lived elsewhere, so my wife moved in with her parents and took care of them. I brought them groceries and daily necessities, and helped them when I could.

After her parents died my wife moved back home. I noticed she was not gloomy. She even told me, “You can go do your own things [referring to my clarifying the truth] after you’re done with the housework.”

Her brother and sister didn’t help her take care of their parents. Yet her husband, a practitioner, helped out with no complaints. My wife saw the kindness of a practitioner and how amazing Falun Dafa is.