(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998 by watching videos of the exercise movements and lectures given by Master Li. Within two months, all my ailments were gone. I purchased the book Zhuan Falun. I read it diligently and followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

As my morals improved, I became genuinely honest and unselfish, and I no longer focused on personal gain. I’d like to share a few stories with you.

I went to a building when I delivered peanut seeds, but I didn’t see anyone. I called out to announce my arrival. I was told to wait. I could hear people playing table games in another room. A man came out about 20 minutes later. We weighed the peanut seeds—17 pounds, which cost 85 yuan. He asked me to put the seeds in one of the other rooms and leave the money on the table.

After I put the seeds where he asked and returned, he already left and resumed playing his game. I counted the money and was surprised to find 850 yuan. I called out to him, “The amount of money you paid me is incorrect.”

He replied, “What’s the problem? Isn’t it 85 yuan? Are you trying to trick me because I didn’t count the money in front of you?”

When I told him that he paid 850 yuan, he immediately returned. After confirming the amount, he was very grateful and kept apologizing for his rude attitude. He exclaimed that I was an honest man. He tried to give me an extra 100 yuan to thank me, which I refused. I told him that I practice Falun Dafa, and we are taught to be honest, and that he should thank Master Li.

Hearing the commotion, others in the room came out. One person said, “My neighbors, two brothers in their 70s, also practice Falun Dafa. They are good people and are in good health. Falun Dafa is amazing, and its practitioners are truly good people. The Chinese Communist Party is wrong to persecute Falun Dafa.”

Another time I purchased medicine at a clinic for my wife. The clerk accidentally gave me an extra 10 yuan in change. When I noticed, I had to shout to get the clerk’s attention, as there was a long line. One lady said that I was foolish. However, when I returned the extra money, the clerk was grateful and kept saying that I was a good man.

Another time, I bought three bags of pesticide for five yuan each. When I returned the next day to buy an additional bag, I learned that the three bags were sold to me at the wrong price; they should have been six yuan each. I insisted on paying the extra three yuan, even though the owner refused to accept it. I told them that, as a Falun Dafa practitioner, I could not take advantage of others.

As I left the money on the counter and walked out of the store, I heard someone say, “Falun Dafa practitioners are all good people.”