(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) for 28 years. I feel very fortunate, and I am grateful to Master for watching over me along the way. My family and I have experienced many wonderful things during my cultivation. I am sharing some of them with you and letting Master know.

I visited a classmate in 1996 and stayed with her for a few days. Her younger sister worked during the day and then meditated after dinner. I was curious about it and joined her in her meditation. She was sitting with both legs crossed in the mediation position, and I sat with only one leg crossed.

In the middle of the meditation, I saw Shoulao (the god of longevity) and an old man floating around in the room. I recognized Shoulao because he had an exaggeratedly high forehead. I didn’t recognize the old man though. I watched them for a few minutes and then got a little scared. So I opened my eyes, put down my leg, and waited quietly for the sister to finish the meditation. I told her what I saw, and she replied, “You must be predestined to practice Dafa, and Master has opened your celestial eye. The other old man you saw should be Laozi.” I went to bed feeling relieved.

The next day, I took a nap while the sister was at work. When I woke up, I was surprised to see Master’s portrait on the wall smiling at me. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, Master was still smiling at me. I sat up at once and looked carefully at it. The portrait had resumed its original appearance, which was Master looking down. I felt this Master was quite extraordinary if what I just saw was real.

As soon as my classmate’s sister returned from work in the evening, I asked her what was going on and if I was having a problem with my vision. She responded, “You did not have blurry vision. It must be that Master’s Fashen (Law body) came to see you. Smiling at you means you have a predestined relationship with Dafa, and Master is encouraging you to practice Falun Dafa.”

She taught me the five Falun Dafa exercises. To make sure I learned them solidly, she gave me a book with colored pictures of the exercises. On my way out, she gifted me a copy of Zhuan Falun. That was how I obtained the Fa. I was so excited! I sincerely thanked her for connecting me with Dafa.

I was fond of meditating. One day I was meditating in the east room, and suddenly saw a big eye looking at me, which startled me so much that I got out of bed and ran all the way to my sister’s room. I had only read a few pages of Zhuan Falun and didn’t know what was going on. When I read the section in which Master talked about the celestial eye, I understood that the large eye I saw was my own celestial eye.

Later on, I experienced so many more miraculous things, which convinced me to believe in Dafa even more and believe all of what Master said was true.

Another point to note: a few days after I started practicing Dafa and read a few pages of Zhuan Falun, I had serious diarrhea and vomiting. Three days later, all my illnesses, be it stomach ulcers or headaches caused by coal fumigation sequelae, were gone. I have not taken any medicine for 28 years now.

My Family Has Benefited from Dafa

I immediately told my mother and two sisters about the wonderful practice. My mother started practicing Dafa, and my two sisters both read Zhuan Falun. Although my sisters did not start practicing, they both had a good understanding of Dafa and believed that Dafa is good.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa and spread lies and propaganda about the practice in 1999, my sisters did not believe what the CCP said. When they saw reports of the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident on TV, my eldest sister said, “It’s fake. I’ve read the Falun Gong book, and it’s all about being a good person. The book said it’s sinful to commit suicide, so it’s impossible for a genuine practitioner to commit suicide.”

Since witnessing all my illnesses disappearing, they have been supportive of my practicing Falun Dafa. Moreover, they helped me with some things for Dafa. For example, if I did not finish handing out truth-clarification materials, they took what remained and handed them out. They were blessed for doing this. They both have many children and grandchildren, and their families are harmonious and prosperous.

My brother is two years younger than me. He often went fishing in the reservoir in front of our old home. When I was visiting, he offered me fish that he had just caught. I told him, “No, thanks. You probably should consider not going fishing anymore, because it is equivalent to killing.”

“I’m not like others who catch big turtles and sell them for money. I just love the taste of fish,” he argued.

I responded, “If you want to eat fish, buy one. Catching fish isn’t really the right thing to do.” 

He kept giving excuses, saying that he did not have time to buy fish, and he only went fishing once in a while. I did not say anything more. After all, he is not a practitioner.

When I went back to the old home to attend my nephew’s wedding in 2014, I saw my brother not stepping squarely on the ground with one foot. I asked him what happened. It turned out he had a corn on the back of his foot and it hurt when it touched the ground. I asked him, “Do you still fish?”

My brother replied, “Yes, as usual. I caught a big turtle the other day and kept it alive at home.” He had asked our brothers-in-law if they wanted to eat it, but they both declined.

I suggested to him, “Take the turtle back to the reservoir. Recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ to it. By releasing it you will be doing a good deed, and your foot will get better.” However, I did not hope for too much.

To my surprise, he did what I told him. When I visited my mother’s home a few months later, I saw that he was walking normally. He had listened to my telling him that Dafa is good, and that frequently reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” would bring him good fortune. It was Dafa that changed him, and his good thoughts helped him.

I visited my mother during the Chinese New Year this year. I called my uncle that night and asked to visit him and his wife the next day. My uncle responded, “Your aunt is suffering from emphysema again. She is panting and in bed right now. It sometimes keeps her from eating. When you come tomorrow, let’s go to a restaurant for dinner.”

I responded, “Uncle, you and my aunt should sincerely recite,‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’”

He asked if it would work, so I told him, “It will work if you recite it sincerely. If you believe it 50%, auntie will get 50% better. If you believe it 100%, she will get 100% better.” I had clarified the truth to my uncle and aunt in the past. My aunt agreed to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, but my uncle did not out of fear.

The next day, I visited my other three aunts, and then my uncle and his wife. We then all went to a restaurant for dinner. My uncle and aunt hosted the dinner, and my aunt was very busy as the hostess. Everyone was happy.

My second aunt is in her 80s. She said her legs were weak these days, and she could not walk in a straight line. I told her, “Auntie, if you recite, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ every day, you will get better.”

My uncle chimed in, saying to me “It really works. I recited it to your aunt last night, and she quickly stopped panting. You see, she’s good as new today.”

It wasn’t until then that I noticed how busy my aunt had been that day. One wouldn’t imagine she was in bed and panting last night. I turned to her, and said, “It’s good for you if you recite it every day. We want nothing but health and peacefulness, right?” She agreed. I had two good fortune stickers in my car, and I gave them to her after dinner. She happily accepted them and put them in her car.

I am grateful for Master’s constant protection and enlightenment over the past 28 years, which has allowed me to walk steadily on the path of validating Dafa. My family and relatives all know Dafa is good, and more than 60 of them have quit the Party. One after another, they have been blessed with better health and prosperity, and I witnessed Dafa’s harmonizing effects in the process.