(Minghui.org) The Singapore Falun Dafa Association held a free nine-day Falun Dafa class from August 31 to September 8, 2024.

Among the new learners were Singaporean sisters; new practitioners who began practicing Falun Dafa in China; and a young woman who learned about Falun Dafa through relatives in Vietnam. On the last day of the nine-day class, new and veteran practitioners shared their experiences and their understanding of cultivation.

Attendees watch the video of Master Li’s lecture. 

Participants learn the first exercise.

Learning the second exercise

Learning the third exercise

Learning the fourth exercise

On the last day of class, attendees talked about their experiences. 

Ms. Nguyen learned about Falun Dafa through her aunt in Vietnam and began to read the Vietnamese version of Zhuan Falun. Although she hadn’t started practicing, Ms. Nguyen said that reading Zhuan Falun changed the way she treated people and looked at problems. She said she was happy to have the opportunity to attend the nine-day class, and she was very grateful to the veteran practitioners for their help in correcting her movements. Ms. Nguyen said that she would introduce Falun Dafa to other relatives and friends when she returned to Vietnam.

Ms. Zhang from China said that she started practicing Falun Dafa at home, but there was a lot of resistance in China. She was able to contact practitioners in Singapore, and she was happy to be able to study the Fa and practice the exercises. She hoped that she could seize the time to make progress. Ms. Zhang said that when she did the exercises in the nine-day class, she felt her hands getting warm and her legs felt like electricity was passing through them. She said that when she listened to Master Li Hongzhi’s teachings in the nine-day class, she also felt a strong energy in her head. She said she was very grateful to Master.

Because of the intense pressure in China, Ms. Zhang said she could only practice the exercises at home, so some of her movements were incorrect. She was grateful for veteran practitioners who corrected her movements during the nine-day class.

At the end of the class, veteran practitioners encouraged the beginners to continue reading Zhuan Falun.

The Singapore Falun Dafa Association is located near Kallang MRT Station in Singapore. A free, nine-day class is held every quarter to help more people achieve physical health and inner peace. The class is held from 7:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. for nine consecutive days. The next nine-day class will be held from November 30, 2024 (Saturday) to December 8, 2024 (Sunday).

For registration, send an email to: register@falundafa.org.sg