(Minghui.org) I am a female practitioner who has practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years. I have only been able to reach this point under Master’s protection and with fellow practitioners’ help. Looking back on the path of cultivation, I would like to describe some of my first experiences in helping Master to save people.

Distributing Truth-clarification Materials for the First Time

One winter morning a practitioner from my village carried a large cardboard box to my home. She said, “I found this by the door when I woke up this morning. It is a box of truth-clarification materials. I was so scared [people might see it and report me], so I brought it to you when no one was around.”

I blushed and felt guilty. The box of materials had been given to me by another practitioner. I didn’t dare to go out to distribute them because I had been bitten by a dog. I had asked my husband to quietly leave it at night at the door of a fellow practitioner.

I did not explain what happened and told her, “Just leave it here! It’ll be fine.” I looked at the box after she left, and thought that I couldn’t leave it like this. No matter how hard it is, I have to follow the path arranged by Master.

I found several practitioners in my village and told them that I had secretly placed the box of materials at the practitioner’s doorstep out of fear. I admitted my mistake and we made arrangements to distribute the materials that night.

At around 8 p.m., several practitioners took their share of pamphlets and walked to a village about five miles away. We agreed that each of us would distribute the pamphlets along two streets, going out on one street and returning on the other. Then we would go home together afterward.

I took the first and second streets in the village. I recited the formula for sending forth righteous thoughts as I walked. I came to an unfinished two-story house, where the doors and windows had not yet been installed.

The large door opening was dark and frightening. I dared not go any further and went to the next street instead. However, I found that practitioners had already left pamphlets on the doors of every house there. I was upset and began complaining, “Why didn’t they [the practitioners] follow the rules, but distribute materials on the street assigned to me.” I had to find another street to distribute the pamphlets.

Troubles then came because of my attachments to resentment and fear. A puppy squeezed out of a door and barked at me. I whispered to the dog, “Go away.” But it didn’t, and its barking attracted more puppies. They surrounded me and barked non-stop. Some even tried to bite me.

I quickly shouted, “Master, please help me. I was wrong. I should not blame practitioners. I should not have so many attachments when distributing materials.” Seeing the dogs barking, I panicked and didn’t know what to do. The practitioners heard the barking and rushed over. Everyone but me had finished distributing their materials.

Fortunately, no resident came out even though the dogs barked wildly. Thank you, Master, for protecting us. On the way home, tears of gratitude and guilt streamed down my face.

Printing Informational Materials

Many Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested and many materials production sites were destroyed by the police in this region. I no longer had access to Master’s new articles and Minghui Weekly, and there were no truth-clarification materials available. A practitioner came and asked me if I dared to set up a materials site. I was a little scared, but thinking that I was a Dafa practitioner and should shoulder this responsibility, I bravely accepted. With the help of practitioners, my materials production site was established.

The computers at that time were big and cumbersome, which was inconvenient to use. In order not to let my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law, who were staying at my house, know about it, I packed the computer and printer in two boxes and put them in the outhouse during the day. When they all went to sleep at night, I moved the computer and printer back and started printing materials.

Due to the poor conditions at home, we only heated the room where my mother-in-law and the others lived in winter. There was almost no heating in my room, and I only slept with an electric blanket. It was the coldest season in Northeast China, but I could endure the hardship.

When practitioners brought a copy of Master’s article, I would type it out word for word on the computer. I didn’t know how to type the punctuation marks, so I left the spaces empty and filled them in with a pen afterward. I then proofread it sentence by sentence to ensure its accuracy before giving it to other practitioners.

I didn’t know much about this technology at the time and was afraid that it could be damaged after printing for a long time. So I set an alarm and stopped it after fifteen minutes and checked if it was overheating. I would blow the fan on the printer if it felt warm. With the fan blowing, and no heating in the room, my hands were so cold that my whole body was shaking. So I held the printed materials close to my chest to keep warm. The residual heat from the paper kept me from freezing.

I resumed the work after the printer cooled down. I felt sleepy as the night wore on, and slept for 15 minutes when the fan cooled the printer, then I woke up and started printing again. I didn’t feel it was hard even like this. I felt good when I thought that fellow practitioners would be able to read Master’s articles and have truth-clarification materials to distribute.

Once, I said to the printer, “It’s too slow for us to work like this. It would be great if you could continue working.” As I said this, I looked at the computer, and a miracle happened. Big words “Go Ahead” appeared on the screen. I was shocked. Master was encouraging me. This way I finished printing all the materials needed by 3 a.m. for distribution in the countryside. I said to the printer, “Thank you! You are extraordinary!”

Hanging Banners

A practitioner in the city sent me 45 truth-clarifying banners. Looking at the large number, I was a little scared and did not dare to leave them at home. I asked a practitioner nearby what to do and when to hang them. We decided to hang them that night.

We took all the banners and set off after dark under the moonlight. We started from the roadside of the last street in the village, sending righteous thoughts while hanging the banners. I saw two cars approaching with their lights on. I panicked. The banner I was holding fell to the ground and I couldn’t find it in the dark. I forgot about the other practitioner and jumped into a ditch, wishing I could crawl into a hole. I was afraid to raise my head. I heard footsteps and thought they were coming from the car.

Just when I was so scared, I heard the practitioner’s voice say, “Get up! There’s no one here.” The footsteps I heard belonged to the practitioner. We continued to hang banners after I calmed down. We hung them all up and went home.

The next morning, a senior practitioner knocked on my door while I was doing the exercises. She was not happy and said to me, “I don’t know who came here to hang banners. They even put one up on my house.” I did not tell her it was us.

I recalled the embarrassing scenes of my being bitten by a dog while delivering materials and hiding in a ditch while out hanging banners. I laughed as I thought about it. I laughed at myself for not behaving like a Dafa disciple at critical moments. I was filled with tears while saying to Master, “I will cultivate away this fear! Please rest assured!”

Clarifying the Truth Face to Face

One winter morning, a practitioner and I went to the city to talk to people about Falun Dafa. We discussed how to tell people the facts about Dafa before we set off. We reviewed the content over and over again, and sent forth righteous thoughts for a long time. We got on the bus to the city after everything was ready.

It wasn’t particularly cold that day. It was just snowing with large snowflakes, so we took umbrellas with us. Seeing crowds of people on the street after we got off the bus, we didn’t know how to start the talk. We went to a bus stop, where there was only a tall middle-aged man waiting for the bus. I walked over, raised the umbrella to cover his head, and said, “Sir, can I tell you something good?”

I had to stand on tiptoes to hold the umbrella over his head, which was difficult. But in order to help save him, I must do it. The man smiled and asked me, “What good things?” I told him what I had prepared in advance, including why I quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the spread of Dafa around the world, the staged Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident, and how the CCP brutally persecutes and harvests organs from Dafa practitioners.

The more I talked, the less nervous I was, and the clearer my thinking became. I also helped him quit the Party. Finally, he said, “I understand, it’s a good thing. Thank you for telling me.” I told him that he didn’t need to thank me, and should thank our Master. It was Master who asked us to save him. I wanted him and his family to sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

This was the first time the practitioner and I successfully helped a person quit the CCP. That man was the only person waiting at the bus stop during the entire process. We noticed that more people began to gather after we walked away. Master must have seen that we had the heart to save people, and arranged a suitable environment for us.

This gave us more confidence, and we were not afraid anymore. A man was walking ahead of us. I quickly caught up with him and said, “Wait a second, Sir. I have something good to tell you.” He stopped and listened as I proceeded to tell him about Falun Dafa and the persecution. He quit the CCP and thanked me for stopping him. I told him to thank Master instead and asked him to remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. The other practitioner caught up with us and the three of us laughed!

Making Truth-clarification Phone Calls

A practitioner brought over some cell phones for use to clarify the truth over the phone. I took one and another practitioner taught me how to use it. But for several days in a row, I didn’t dare to make a call or even look at the phone. Then I thought: “This is not right. I am not afraid of going out and clarifying the truth face to face. Why should I be afraid being at home? No one will know or see me if I say something wrong.” But I still didn’t dare to make the call.

One day, I prepared a manuscript to use to talk over the phone. I turned on my phone and selected the number to dial. My hands began to shake. My throat was tight, dry, and a little sore. But I had dialed the number and it was too late to hang up. I had to face it.

The person on the other end asked who I was. I was nervous, and just shouted, “Hello, Sir. I want to tell you something good.”

The receiver asked, “What’s going on? What are you talking about? Are you a man or a woman?”

I shouted into the phone, “I am a woman.” I became anxious and didn’t know what the other person was saying anymore. I started reading from the manuscript I had prepared. After I finished, I found the man was still on the phone. I asked, “Do you understand what I just said?” He said he did, so I continued, “Then why don’t you quit the CCP and its affiliates you have joined?” He agreed.

I chose a good pseudonym for him and asked him to remember “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I calmed down for a while after he hung up the phone and was ready to make another call. Then I suddenly realized I had not checked with him if he had joined the Party, Youth League, or Young Pioneers. I should pay more attention to it in the future.

This way, I took my first step and completed my first truth-clarification phone call with Master’s help.

Thank you, Master, for protecting me. Thank fellow practitioners for your help.