(Minghui.org) I was born in the 1980s and was in elementary school when Falun Dafa became popular across China. Even though I knew Dafa was good, I really didn’t understand what it was. Then the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting the practice, filling the media with slander and smear campaigns. As a result, like millions of Chinese people, I was deceived and mistakenly believed Falun Dafa was bad.

More than 20 years went by, and I met someone very special. She is now my wife. She is gentle and kind and has a pure heart. When we met I didn’t know that she practiced Falun Dafa. After we dated for a while, she told me she practiced. I was surprised and shocked. After so many years of relentless oppression and persecution of the practice by the regime, I didn’t think there were any Falun Dafa practitioners in the southwest border city where I lived, and yet she was one of them.

Although I was surprised, I had no ill feelings toward her simply because she was a Falun Dafa practitioner. Furthermore, her words and deeds showed me she was a lovely person and not a “cult member,” as the CCP labeled her. She had a very positive attitude, and this always influenced me.

“Who introduced you to the practice of Falun Dafa?” I asked her. “My mom and dad,” she told me proudly.

Since then, I have come to understand Dafa practitioners more. It was the first time I had close contact with a Falun Dafa cultivator, and they are not at all as described by the CCP. I knew practitioners would never harm anyone.

In April of this year, I went to my wife’s hometown in Northeast China to meet her parents. They were kind and warm-hearted, and once again, I saw the noble character and integrity of Dafa practitioners. I thought, for years, the CCP used many ways to slander and smear this group of people, calling them “cult members.” Then why are these people so much nobler than those sanctimonious CCP officials who always claim to be “great” and “glorious?”

I searched on the Internet for more information, and I understood something I hadn’t learned from any textbooks: The communism the CCP has been promoting is merely a hypothetical doctrine, a fictitious “ism” without any practical applications. To put it bluntly, it’s just a thing fabricated out of thin air, with which the CCP uses to deceive and control people, prevent them from knowing the truth, and makes it easier for the Party to rule and fool the Chinese people.

However, the truth is often quite the opposite of what the CCP propagates. Under the totalitarian regime, all kinds of dark and shady things with a seemingly glamorous appearance exist in China. Profit-seeking, moral corruption, and crises of trust are everywhere in today’s China.

As we were leaving, my wife’s parents gave me a cell phone which I could use to easily access facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. I feel very grateful for the gift and I’m now learning new things every day. I now have a much better understanding of human society and Falun Dafa.