(Minghui.org) Practitioners were invited to introduce Falun Dafa in Villa Beausoleil, a care home in La Rochelle, France on June 7, 2024, and several senior residents and employees learned the exercises.


Practitioners teach the Falun Dafa exercises in Villa Beausoleil, a care home in La Rochelle.

A man signs a petition calling to stop the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa.

It was a fine day. Seniors up to 90 years old joined the class in the courtyard. Some watched from their windows. A couple of employees also came to learn the exercises. One of them said he felt the energy and entered a state of tranquility.

A woman who watched from her window wanted to join the group learning the exercises. A practitioner led her to the courtyard, and she was thankful for the opportunity.

Another woman wanted to read the Falun Gong teachings, and bought a copy of the book. She said that she was still grieving after losing her son and wished to find answers to her unhappiness.

Another woman said she had trouble finding ease in her heart after taking care of her husband who is now deceased, but felt relaxed and comforted after her encounter with Falun Dafa.

People were astonished to hear that such a great practice is persecuted by the CCP. They asked how they could help practitioners. After hearing about the petition, they immediately signed it.

Those interested in Falun Dafa were thrilled to hear that practitioners plan to come regularly to Villa Beausoleil to lead group exercises.