(Minghui.org) As people are spending more time outdoors in late spring, practitioners in the Netherlands held activities in major cities to tell people the facts about Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes the spiritual discipline. These cities include Amsterdam, the Hague, Rotterdam, and Utrecht.

Impressed by their peaceful efforts, many people thanked practitioners for the information and their perseverance. They also praised the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and said they hoped that the suppression in China will end soon.


Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and displayed posters and banners at Dam Square

Renowned for its historic canals and centuries-old culture, Amsterdam is the capital, while Dam Square in the city center is famous for the Royal Palace and former city hall. Seeing practitioners do the peaceful exercises, many people stopped to learn more and signed petitions to support practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution. Some tourists from mainland China also learned the facts about the CCP and decided to quit the organizations affiliated with the regime that they joined.

One woman first thought the movements were Tai Chi. When she was told about Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and the five exercises, she was immediately interested and wanted to learn the exercises at a group practice site. A practitioner gave her the information, and she said that she would come soon.

A Chinese man said that he talked with a practitioner in the Hague. Because he was in a hurry at the time, he did not have a chance to renounce his CCP membership. When he saw the Falun Dafa booth in Amsterdam, he talked with a practitioner and quit the CCP organizations.

After signing a petition that called to end the persecution in China, a young man read the materials and words “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” on a lotus flower that a practitioner gave him. Looking at pictures of practitioners who lost their lives in the persecution, he held a cross in front of his chest and prayed. Two practitioners thanked him and explained in greater detail about what is going on in China.

The Hague

Exercise demonstration at a popular tourist site in the Hague

As the country’s administrative center, the Hague has the Dutch Parliament, and most foreign embassies are located there. Every weekend, practitioners set up a booth, demonstrate the exercises and display posters.

It was cold on June 1 and the strong wind turned over the poster board. Practitioners did not give up and continued to do the exercises demonstration and distribute flyers. Moved by the practitioners’ determination, some passersby talked with them and signed petitions.

A Chinese girl who was born in the Netherlands asked what the event was about. Some Chinese tourists told practitioners that they now realize how the CCP has been deceiving people for decades.

A woman was surprised by the forced organ harvesting carried out by the CCP. She read the information and said that she would tell her friends about this. Another woman from Taiwan said that she’s involved in human rights. She knows the CCP is vicious and felt bad because she knows practitioners are persecuted in China. She also thanked the practitioners for sharing the information with the public.


Rotterdam is Europe’s largest seaport, and the practitioners’ booth was next to the famous Kijk-Kubus cube houses.

Passersby signed petitions to support the practitioners.

June 8 was a fine day. Many tourists said that they were happy to see the peaceful event in the busy city center and stopped to ask questions. After a young man who works nearby signed a petition, he asked his coworkers and friends to sign.

A woman said she would come to the group practice site and learn the exercises.

Businessman Bethnel

Bethnel, a businessman, signed a petition that called to stop the suppression in China. He said that he’s seen practitioners at tourist sites in numerous Dutch cities, so he knows what’s happening in China. He said that it’s wrong for an elected official or a government to suppress differing opinions.

As they continued talking, a practitioner told him about the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and why practitioners did not give up on their faith despite the persecution. He said the CCP intended to destroy traditional values and the situation would change when more people joined their efforts to oppose the suppression. Bethnel agreed and said the divine would not allow this to continue much longer.

Group exercises

Several teenagers were curious about the event. Upon hearing of the CCP’s brutalities, they all signed the petition. One middle-aged woman was interested in the exercises, and she said she needed something like this to improve mind and body. A practitioner invited her to learn the exercises on Saturdays and she was happy to hear the information.


Exercise demonstration at a Utrecht train station

Utrecht is a major traffic hub in the Netherlands and practitioners come to the train station every Sunday afternoon to introduce Falun Dafa. After reading the information, many people agreed with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and tell practitioners that they hope the persecution ends soon.

Varel and her friends said the persecution is wrong.

High school student Varel and her two friends walked by on May 26, and they all signed the petitions. Varel said that she likes the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance because they are important for our society. She and her friends hoped that the tragedies will end soon.

People sign the petition.

One practitioner said that she is thankful for the physical and spiritual improvements that she experienced after she began practicing Falun Dafa. She and other practitioners plan to keep holding events so that more people could benefit from the practice.