(Minghui.org) I am a Korean physician who started practicing Falun Dafa in 2002. I first became interested in traditional Chinese culture when I was a child. Korean medicine is derived from Chinese medicine. I studied Korean medicine in college and became a physician. When I was in college, I learned Falun Dafa and found the answer to the purpose of my life. Here, I will share my experiences while practicing Falun Dafa.

A Breakthrough in Medicine with Master’s Help

I opened my clinic after graduation, and have focused on honing my medical skills ever since. I learned from famous Korean physicians about various acupuncture methods and the prescribing of medications. However, I didn’t improve in my cultivation for a while. I told my wife, who is also a Falun Dafa practitioner, about my distress.

One day, my wife told me that she dreamed Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, said to her that Dafa disciples could learn traditional medicine better than non-practitioner students can. After that, I gained confidence and felt like I immediately understood a lot of things about cultivation. The teachers of my classes always praised me, and some miraculous things happened when I treated patients.

For example, when a patient told me that his arm hurt, the best way to do the acupuncture automatically came to my mind. I followed the idea, and the result was good. For some difficult-to-treat patients, the rules of Yin and Yang appeared in my mind, so I gave such patients uncommon prescriptions, and the results were also effective.

However, I had a difficulty to overcome that persisted for a long time. In Korean medicine, we use four diagnostic methods: inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, and palpation. In general, the technique of palpation is the prerequisite to becoming a great physician. But I just couldn’t do it well. I believed that I had no talent in this area, and I almost gave up trying.

Later, I thought of a sentence from Huangdi Neijing (Huangdi’s internal classic, the number one of four classic books on traditional Chinese medicine) that said inspection is regarded as the highest level for evaluating Chinese physicians. That is, one can discern the patient’s condition by observing their expression and form. The next level is to ascertain the patient’s condition by listening and smelling. The next is through inquiry, and the last is through palpation. Therefore, I realized that it is better to understand a patient’s condition by inspection and without touching—the highest level of all.

Gradually, I grasped the essence of inspection. By observing the patient’s face, I can tell which of his internal organs is weak. For some patients, I even know what to prescribe as soon as they walk into my office.

My colleagues were amazed at my learning ability and capability. I am grateful to Master Li for giving me such wisdom.

Introducing Falun Dafa to My Patients

When I treat patients, many miracles that cannot be explained by modern medicine often occur. I introduced Falun Dafa to them accordingly, and many of them started practicing it.

One patient decided to pay off all her debts after reading Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa. After that, she saw the words in the book emitting golden light.

Another patient had a skin disease that no medication resolved. I recommended that she read Zhuan Falun. She didn’t believe it would be helpful, but she read the whole book anyway. Amazingly, her skin disease disappeared after that. Now she is a Falun Dafa practitioner.

One patient was a middle school teacher and a Catholic. I introduced her to Zhuan Falun. When she came to see me again, she said Falun Dafa was a higher level of teaching than the Catholic doctrine. Although she does not practice Falun Dafa, she trusts me and regularly visits my clinic.

There was a patient who was possessed by a spirit. He said that although he was not a doctor, he could cure a patient by randomly opening the prescription book in front of the patient and prescribing whatever medication was on the page. However, he couldn’t heal himself. Instead, his condition was becoming more severe, so he came to see me. I suggested that he read Zhuan Falun and told him that he shouldn’t follow his possessing spirit to cure others. He understood and said he would not cure people anymore.

Occasionally, fellow practitioners come to see me when they are not in a good cultivation state. I share my thoughts with them. As practitioners, we should know the key to removing symptoms of illness is to improve our xinxing, not just postpone paying back karma to the future.

Recommending a Patient See Shen Yun

One of my patients is an American businesswoman. She said she was attracted to my clinic. Although she doesn’t practice spiritual cultivation, her third eye is open. She said she saw a beautiful halo around my head and asked what my religion was. She had an incurable disease that would get better for a while by taking what I prescribed but would come back a short time later. I recommended that she go and see the Shen Yun show several times. She said she would but was unable to get to it for various reasons. I reminded her from time to time to see the show. Eventually, she went to see the show. 

She was deeply touched by Shen Yun and talked about it with many of her friends. Later, one of her friends told me that she had a vision in which I was sitting on a lotus with a smile on my face, and my body was glowing. I realized her words were Master’s way of encouraging me.

Later, I learned that the businesswoman and her investor friends were planning an important meeting to discuss investing in China. I worried about her since investing in China now isn’t a good idea. I sent her a video about the live organ harvesting of Falun Dafa practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party and asked her to play it for her friends at the start of the meeting. She was not happy because she thought it was inappropriate to do that. I sent righteous thoughts and wished for her and her friends to make wise choices. After the meeting, the woman called me late at night and told me that she showed the video to her friends, and they were all concerned about the Communist Party’s suppression of human rights. They canceled their investment plan. I was happy that they made that choice.

Eliminate Attachments and Do the Three Things Better

As my medical skills improved, my clinic’s reputation grew, and my income increased. But I developed attachments to comfort and showing off. I believed I gained success because of my abilities, and I no longer appreciated Master and Dafa. Gradually, I fell into the obsession of pursuing fame and fortune and thus neglected the three things a Dafa disciple should do.

Once, I made a mistake in declaring my medical expenses to the health insurance organization and received an extra three million Korean won (about $2,200) as a result. But I didn’t correct the mistake in a timely manner and always thought I would fix it later. Then, one day, when I was driving to work when it was snowing, I hit another car, and I had to pay precisely three million won for the repairs.

On another occasion, a fire broke out on the floor below my clinic, which the landlord blamed on me, saying that my external air conditioning unit caused it. Later, I confirmed it wasn’t because of my air conditioner, but the landlord was still angry with me. When the landlord sold the building, he convinced the new landlord not to rent to me. I lost my clinic but did not have enough money to open a new one.

I thought of suing them for compensation. However, I realized that the difficulty I was facing might have been caused by a problem in my cultivation, or the karmic retribution between the landlord and me from a past life. I decided to deal with the situation agreeably. I continue to treat the landlord’s mother, who is a long-standing patient of mine, and send her herbal medicines by mail.

When I looked inward, I found many attachments, such as fame, fortune, showing off, and rejoicing. Among them, my attachment to showing off was particularly strong. Once, I bragged about how successful my clinic was in front of another physician, although my wife tried to stop me. I reflected on my behavior and decided to concentrate on doing the three things better before I reopened my clinic. I participated in various projects with great success, including Shen Yun’s online promotion. I also set up a YouTube channel with videos about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.

Initially, my channel didn’t have many visitors, and I was about to give it up. But one day, a video suddenly had a lot of views and I instantly became famous. Thanks to Master for continuing to give me wisdom, and with my and my wife’s hard work, my channel soon had over 100,000 subscribers. Amazingly, the income we received was exactly what I lost when I closed the clinic. My family now has a stable life again. I realized that Master arranged these things.

Final Thoughts

I used to think Korean medicine was special and magical because it contains traditional Chinese culture and divine culture. But then I realized this thinking was an attachment. As practitioners, no matter what we do, the most important thing is to improve our xinxing. During the Fa-rectification period, saving sentient beings is our top priority. Master and the Fa gave us our talents and skills, and we shouldn’t use them to satisfy our attachments. We should use them to validate Dafa.

I want to thank Master for constantly enlightening me so that I can persist in cultivation as I have to this day.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)