(Minghui.org) Practitioners from around Ukraine gathered in Kyiv for a Falun Dafa experience sharing conference in September 2023. The day before the conference, on September 23, they held an event in the city center to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa. The practitioners were from several Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, Dnepr, Vinnitsa, Konotop and Chervonograd.
Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa to passers-by in the center of Kyiv.
A Falun Dafa practitioner distributes fliers to passer-by in the Kyiv city center.
The event took place along Khreshchatyk, one of the capital city’s busiest streets. It’s also Ukraine’s main administrative and commercial hub, where many high-end shops are located. Even in the shadow of the war, the area was filled with residents and tourists.
During the three-hour event, practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises, distributed fliers about the practice, and collected signatures on a petition calling to end the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.
People in Kyiv sign the petition calling to end the persecution in China.
Student: Communism Is Humanity’s Enemy
An eighteen-year-old student from Kyiv, Chipriyan, stopped to take photos of practitioners as they did the exercises. He said he’s seen practitioners’ events on Khreshchatyk many times including their exercise demonstrations, and he thought the movements were beautiful. He wanted to take a photo and show them to his parents.
Chipriyan knew about the persecution of Falun Dafa and the forced organ harvesting in China. He said communism is an enemy of huminaty, due to its persecution of universal values like Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance—Falun Dafa’s values.
“The worst thing about the Chinese Communist Party is its ideology, which is anti-science; it has nothing to do with reality. This regime is committing huge crimes against the people of China,” he said.
Practitioners demonstrate Falun Dafa in the center of Kyiv.
Sharing Goodness With Others
Many practitioners at the event have practiced Falun Dafa for over 10 years and were there to tell their fellow Ukrainians about the practice that has shown them what true goodness is.
Valentina traveled from Dnepr to participate in the activities. She showed people how to make paper lotus flowers, and as they learned, Valentina talked to them about the persecution of Falun Dafa.
Two students from Kramatorsk and Kyiv joined the activity. They learned how to make origami lotus flowers and agreed with Valentina that kindness is crucial in a person’s life. “If a person is kind, then everything will be fine in his life,” Valentina told the girls.
Valentina teaches two young women to make origami lotus flowers.
Valentina began practicing Falun Dafa in 2007. She was stunned by the depth of the book Falun Gong and immediately bought a copy of Zhuan Falun.
“I read Zhuan Falun in one day,” she said. “I used to be cunning and tried to take advantage of everything, but after reading the book, I understood what our health depends on and how important it is to be a moral person.”
Valentina felt she finally found the purpose of her life. Without realizing it, her health began to improve. “My illnesses went away,” she said.
“Two weeks later I suddenly woke up with the feeling that my soul stopped hurting. It turns out that all my life, before I began practicing, I had a sick soul. There was a strong heaviness inside my soul—a feeling of guilt, a responsibility for something unknown. From then on, I felt lighter,” Valentina said.
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