School Teacher from Hunan Province Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp Twice
Name: Zhou Xiaohong (周晓红)
( Ms. Zhou Xiaohong has been dismissed from her job, her home has been ransacked seven times and she has been arrested four times since July 1999. All of this happened because she refuses to give up her belief in Falun Gong. Her arrests in March 2005 and August 2008 brought her sentences of 12 months and 15 months, respectively. She was detained at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, where she was brutally tortured.
Accounts of persecution
Ms. Zhou was teaching her class in September 2001 when Zhou Lingzhi, the principal of the school, called her to the office and told her that she could no longer be a teacher there because she had talked about Falun Gong in her classes.
Officials from the 610 Office ransacked Ms. Zhou's home seven times from January 2001 to August 2008. They confiscated Falun Gong books, audio and video tapes, as well as other personal belongings.
Chen Yunqing and other officers from the Anren County Domestic Security Division broke into Ms. Zhou's home and arrested her on a night in January 2003. She was detained at the Anren County Detention Center for more than four months.
While Ms. Zhou and other practitioners were distributing truth clarification materials in the Dongjiang area of the city in March 2005, officers from Dongjiang Police Station arrested her and detained her at the Zixing City Detention Center. She was often beaten around her head and back with electric batons. When she was transferred to the Chenzhou First Detention Center, she went on a hunger strike to protest her persecution. She was tied to a chair and injected with unknown drugs, then was later sentenced to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp.
When Ms. Zhou was working as a waitress at a restaurant in Chenzhou in August 2008, officers from the Beihu District Police Department and security officers from her work place arrested her, and sent her to the brainwashing center at the Beihu District Chinese Communist Party (CCP) School. She shouted out "Falun Dafa is good" on the first day there, and was struck around the face and body with the heel of a policeman's shoe. The beatings went on for the whole morning. Since Ms. Zhou refused to cooperate with them, she was sent to the Chenzhou Detention Center.
When she arrived at the detention center, the guards pushed her to the ground, stripped off her clothes and put her in the prison uniform. She was only given two meals a day, with very little food in them. Three guards pulled her out of her cell one time and beat her in the corridor. She was sentenced to forced labor for the second time on August 25, 2008.
First time in labor camp
Ms. Zhou was sent to the 7th Section, 2nd team in the labor camp on April 15, 2005. Since the first day of her detention, guards Zhao Shuaiqun, Yuan Lihua, Long Liyun, Tang Luyun, Zhu Jinxin and Zheng Xia started to torture her. She was not allowed to use the restroom, she was deprived of sleep and was forced to stand all day with her hands tied behind her back. She was tortured like this for 43 days.
Guards forced her to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong day and night, and at other times she had to work more than 15 hours a day. When she went on a hunger strike, the guards and inmates working for the guards pried open her mouth and force-fed her. They also injected her with unknown drugs.
Ms. Zhou was brutally tortured by a group of people from February 12 to February 23, 2006. She was taken to a room on February 13, where inmates Huang Chunmei, Wang Yan and Fu Jing tortured her. They forced her to stand still while they slapped her face, punched and kicked her. They poured cold water on the floor, then pushed her to the ground and beat her. They also stood on her hands and feet, and poked her arms and hands with sharp instruments.
The following day Ms. Zhou was forced to bend down all day, with her weight resting on the backs of her legs, and they constantly beat her. As a result, the flesh on her shoulder and arms was split open. They deprived her of sleep that night and kept twisting her ears and slapping her face, or pouring water over her to keep her awake. When she fell asleep, she was brutally beaten.
At around 8:00 p.m. on February 19, when Ms. Zhou refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce her belief, she was bound in a tight cloth, her left arm was tied behind her back and her mouth was stuffed with dirty sanitary pads. She was then pushed down on to a chair by a table, as they forced her to write the statement.
Ms. Zhou was brutally beaten by inmates on the morning of February 20, 2006. One inmate kicked her between the legs and several other inmates beat her while she was on the floor. One of them stepped on her face, while two of them kicked her. Inmate Tang Hongxia used a metal spoon to pry open her mouth and then used chopsticks to poke at her throat until she was spitting up blood. Then they stuffed her mouth with dirty sanitary pads again. After the beating, she was not able to eat and had difficulty walking.
Second time in labor camp
Ms. Zhou was sentenced to Baimalong Forced Labor Camp for the second time in August 2008, where she was detained in the 7th Section, 1st Team.
When guards Long Liyun and Tang Luyun saw her doing the exercises one day, they ordered an inmate to beat her. Her feet were covered with bruises and she was not able to stand up and walk properly. They bound her in a tight cloth and forced her to stand for a long period of time, while her mouth was stuffed with dirty rags and sealed with tape. She was then tied to a chair and forced to watch videos slandering Falun Gong.
Ms. Zhou went on a hunger strike on September 26, and guards Long Liyun, Liu Jie, Shi Jun and Zheng Xia forced-fed her for 15 days. She was also taken to the hospital and given injections. Ms. Zhou was transferred to the 4th Section on October 10, where she was constantly tortured by inmates and deprived of sleep from October 10 to October 23.
After the torture Ms. Zhou had scars all over her body and had high blood pressure. She coughed a lot, had difficulty breathing and had irregular menstrual periods. She became very weak, sweat a lot and was unable to stand up for any length of time.
A few days before her release on October 10, 2008, guard He Hongling told Ms. Zhou that she would suffer more brutal torture if she returned to the camp for a third time, and threatened her not to expose the persecution that she has suffered there. When she was released, she was forced to pay more than 100 yuan for her treatment during her hunger strike.
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Address: Residential building in the 302 Geological Team of Chenzhou
Occupation: Elementary school teacher
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 2008
Most Recent Place of Detention: Baimalong Forced Labor Camp (白马垅劳教所)
City: Chenzhou
Province: Hunan
Persecution Suffered: Sleep deprivation, forced labor, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, forced injections/drug administration, beatings, imprisonment, force-feedings, extortion, fired from workplace, physical restraint, home ransacked, interrogation, detention, remaining in strenuous positions for long periods of time.
Key Persecutors: Chen Yunqing (陈运清), Zhao Shuaiqun (赵帅群), Yuan Lihua (袁立华), Long Liyun (龙利云), Tang Luyun (唐璐云), Zhu Jinxin (祝晋梓), Zheng Xia (郑霞), Huang Chunmei (黄春梅), Wang Yan (王艳), Fu Jing (伏箐), Liu Jie (刘杰) and Shi Jun (史俊).
Posting date: 9/15/2010
Category: Persecution Accounts - First-hand
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