Today’s Articles
- ▪ Russian Falun Dafa Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)
- ▪ Russia: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Moscow (Photos)
- ▪ My Experiences of Attending Master's Fa Lectures Three Times in Guangzhou City
- ▪ Practitioners in Spain Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)
- ▪ Czech: Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day in Prague (Photos)
- ▪ May We Forever Remember This Eternal Day
- ▪ Witnessing the Spread of Falun Dafa
- ▪ The Health and Fitness Benefits of Falun Dafa Are Really Miraculous
- ▪ Interview: The Change in a Practitioner's Husband
- ▪ Falun Dafa Gave Me a New Life
- ▪ Following the Standards of Dafa to Get Along with Others in the Same Business
- ▪ US Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Writes in Recognition of 11th World Falun Dafa Day
- ▪ Pennsylvania: House of Representatives Issues Citation in Recognition of 2010 World Falun Dafa Day
- ▪ Massachusetts: House of Representatives Offers Its Sincerest Congratulations to Falun Dafa Association of New England in Recognition of 2010 World Falun Dafa Day
- ▪ Wisconsin: City of Madison Proclaims May 13, 2010, as Falun Dafa Day Honoring Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance
- ▪ Elderly Ms. Liu Jinlian and Her Family Repeatedly Harassed (Photo)
- ▪ Teacher Forced to Work as a Janitor, Paycheck Suspended
- ▪ Xi'an City Brainwashing Center Detains Elderly Practitioners
- ▪ Audience in Sydney Appreciates the Message of Shen Yun (Photo)
- ▪ Switzerland: Patron Drawn to Shen Yun Like a Magnet (Photos)
- ▪ 51 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong
- ▪ Estonians Eager to Learn Falun Gong (Photos)
- ▪ "The Three Things" Are the Things I Must Do Every Day
- ▪ Stories of CCP Officials Quitting the CCP at Tourist Sites in Europe
- ▪ Remembering Our Practice Site
May 20, 2010