Washington Post: Liberty or Death in China

As a Western practitioner of Falun Gong, I found the characterization of Li Hongzhi as [Chinese governments slanderous words] to be misleading and prejudicial [front page, March 9]. Had the Chinese government not demonized him and criminalized Falun Gong, Mr. Li could move about and teach openly. But the government has chosen to step up its brutal crackdown on Falun Gong. The government has placed these people in mortal jeopardy, not Mr. Li.

The Myth of Freedom in China

The central government of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) presented the United Nations one million signatures of Chinese citizens condemning Falun Gong. The PRC asserted that these signatures are a mandate supporting its unconscionable suppression of this spiritual belief.

"Having Your Heart Unaffected, You Will Be Able to Handle All Situations."

[Minghui Net] As I watched the protracted, incomparably disgusting and hysterical drama performed by the evil forces, and witnessed the endless sorrows and indescribable miseries practitioners in China have endured every day, I was shaken and touched by my fellow practitioners' righteous thoughts and conduct, and tears often stained my face. Consequently, I became anxious because I could not do more to suffocate the evil. After lingering in this state of mind for a long time, I realized that I was being driven by the evil forces and the inadequate righteousness of my thoughts. This restless mind and anxiety was a sign that I still had some confusion and misunderstanding about the solemnity and sacredness of Dafa [great law and principles].

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