Since Master Li's words, "on important matters, practitioners must watch the position of Minghui Net," spread to practitioners around the world, the Falun Dafa Bulletin Board has received some letters of inquiry from practitioners in Mainland China. In response to some practitioners' questions about how to treat Minghui Net and the articles posted on Minghui Net, the Bulletin Board hereby introduces the following important information:

July 15, 2000
July 20th, 2000, the one-year anniversary of safeguarding the Fa, is approaching. At present, a special cosmic phenomenon is that, for every disciple both inside and outside of China, "clarifying the truth to people around the world" has become the most important task of "assisting teacher in the human world." It is now also the solemn historic moment when all genuine disciples are cultivating "towards Consummation." Therefore, Falun Dafa websites have become prominently important due to their ...

In Zhuan Falun, there is a story about Sakyamuni and one of his disciples:
"One day Sakyamuni was going to take a bath in a forest, and he asked a disciple to clean the bathtub. His disciple went to the bathtub and found it full of insects crawling everywhere. The insects would be killed if he cleaned the bathtub. The disciple came back to Sakyamuni and said: "The bathtub is full of insects." Sakyamuni did not look at him and ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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