(Minghui.org) When a coordinator practitioner asked me one day if my third eye was open, I asked her why she had asked me that. She said that her practitioner sister was suffering from sickness karma and wanted to find out what was wrong with her. She had come to see me because she said that I often pinpoint how some practitioners had deviated from the Fa, and things I had said had been verified later.

Whenever I told practitioners about their problems, I explained to them that I had discovered them by comparing what they had said and done with the Fa and that Master was taking care of us. But this practitioner stubbornly thought that I must have seen their problems using my third eye. When I told her that seeking out practitioners whose third eyes are open to ask them to look at practitioners was wrong, she contradicted me by saying that some sharing articles on the Minghui website had mentioned practitioners doing the same thing. I don’t know how she could have understood those articles the way she did.

I told her that Master requires us to follow the Fa, and when we come across problems, we should look within to find what is not in accordance with the Fa. I also told her that those practitioners whose third eyes are open and who cultivate righteously would never say anything not in line with the Fa. Whoever said things not in line with the Fa had problems and had interfered with other practitioners’ cultivation.

She looked somewhat disappointed and ignored my advice.

I was later told that some practitioners in my area admired practitioners whose third eyes were open. Some of those practitioners with their third eyes open liked to say things that were not in line with the Fa and had played upon other practitioners’ attachments. Some practitioners who went out to clarify the truth made it a point to go with one practitioner whose third eye was open. They thought that the practitioner would keep all the other practitioners safe. The old forces took advantage of these practitioners’ loopholes, and these practitioners ran into problems later on. Some passed away because of sickness karma and some were arrested.

I’d like to remind practitioners whose third eyes are open of the following:

1. Don’t help practitioners with sickness karma based on what you have seen with your third eye. Master has already taught us the Fa in this regard. We should help practitioners study the Fa and look within to improve themselves.

2. Don’t tell other practitioners how to send forth righteous thoughts based on what you have seen with your third eye. This is an act that deviates from the Fa. You will also make other practitioners deviate from the Fa, and the consequences of doing that are dire.

Master has given guidance regarding how to send forth righteous thoughts for both practitioners whose third eyes are not open and for those whose third eyes are open. We should act according to the Fa.