Image for article Israeli Rabbi Prays for the Chinese People and Invokes Their Introspection

Participating in a prayer service for those suffering from the pandemic, Rabbi Oury Cherki said, “In our prayers, we contemplate on our sins, and so should the Chinese people—it should be their day of reckoning in light of the importance of human life and its immeasurable sacredness.”

Image for article Exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s Repeated Falsifications

Examples from past and present of lies spread by the CCP to brainwash the citizens of China. Many people have fallen victim to these falsifications due to the Party’s omnipresent propaganda.

Image for article Prison Officers Moved from Other Provinces to Wuhan Prison During Epidemic

Wuhan Women’s Prison has refused to release Falun Gong practitioners during the coronavirus epidemic. Additional personnel has been brought in, which may indicate that many Wuhan officers have been infected, leaving minimal staff remaining in the prison.

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