(Minghui.org) One morning in January 2013, after I had clarified the truth to a young person around 16 years old, he reported me to the patrolling police officer. I was illegally arrested and forced into a patrol car by the police. The driver of the police car viciously slandered Master Li. I stopped him and said, “You are so young. Don't you worry that you will receive karmic retribution for saying bad things?” He replied, “No. You are financially supported by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and yet, you are still against the party.” I kindly said to him, “I have worked hard to support myself. I haven't received anything free from the CCP.” He responded, “Don't you have farmland?” I responded, “My land was confiscated by the Party and I can no longer farm.” He did not respond.
A few of the policemen tried to grab my bag when we arrived at the police station. When I resisted, one officer viciously slapped me and another pinched my back very hard. It was so painful that I almost passed out. My bag was taken away and I was taken into another room where I was sprayed with tear gas. My eyes and nose immediately started to water. However, I was not afraid because I knew Master was with me and the tear gas would not hurt me. I told them that they should treat Dafa practitioners kindly.
At noon, they took money from my bag to buy me some bread and bottled water. I refused to eat. I decided that this was not a place that I wanted to stay. I had my elderly mother and two young sons to look after at home. I did not want my family to hold any resentment toward Dafa because of my being arrested. I knew there must be a weakness in me that the old forces had taken advantage of. I did not accept the persecution and only thought about saving sentient beings. I sent forth this strong righteous thought: “Master please help me! I want to go home today.”
The station chief, who was around the age of 30, came to work in the afternoon. He asked me where the truth-clarification materials had come from and why I distributed them. I told him that people wanted to read the materials for their own benefit. The chief asked, “If the materials are good for people, why were you reported?” I explained, “That young man did not know the truth. If he knew that I do what I do to save him, he would appreciate me.” I advised the station chief to treat Dafa practitioners kindly in order to ensure a good path for his future. I told him that Master's Fa was being taught in more than 100 countries to save people, and that people around the world were currently practicing Falun Gong. I added that the CCP was the only regime that persecutes Falun Gong. I also told him that the wicked CCP would receive retribution for their crimes. I said that ordinary people might not know the heinous crimes that Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, and Gu Kailai committed by harvesting organs from imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners to sell in the lucrative organ transplantation trade. I also reminded him that he and other policemen all knew about this. He was silent for a while and said, “You have been sentenced for eight years, right?” I responded by telling him that this was the persecution the CCP had imposed upon me.
I did not hate the police, but instead felt a kind of mercy toward them. I hoped that they would soon understand the truth. I reminded myself that Master had the final say. The chief returned around 3 p.m. and asked me the name of my husband. When I refused to tell him, he said that I probably did not want to go home. I responded that I certainly did want to go home because there were many people at home who needed me. After a while he called my son to come and take me home.
After I left the police station, I did not go straight home. Instead, I took a taxi into the city. Before I got out of the cab, I clarified the facts to the driver and advised him to remember, “Falun Dafa is good.” He agreed.
While I was trying to hail a taxi on my way home, a middle-aged man on a motorcycle asked me where I was going. I was going his way, so he gave me a ride. I knew that Master had sent this predestined person to me. I said to him, “You are very kind. We have a predestined relationship today.” I asked him if he had ever heard of the “Quitting the CCP to be saved.” When his answer was “No,” I clarified the facts about Falun Gong. I explained that Falun Gong teaches people to be good by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. However, Falun Gong was framed and persecuted by the CCP. I further told him that the Tiananmen self immolation incident shown on TV was fabricated. He agreed that people now hate the many crimes committed by the CCP. I also told him that if he quit the CCP, he would be saved when heaven destroys the wicked party. He was very glad to hear this and asked me to help him withdraw his membership from the CCP. When I got off his motorcycle, I thanked him and he thanked me in return.
When I got home, I calmly studied the Fa and looked inward. I found many human notions. I felt ashamed that I had not cherished and made better use of my valuable time. I felt sorry that I had not met the standard of our great merciful Master. I also told myself that from then on, I would cultivate myself more firmly, study the Fa diligently, do the three things well, and go home with Master.
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