Name: Sun Yuqiang (孙玉强)
Gender: Male
Age: 70
Address: Wanghaisi Village, Cang County, Hebei Province
Occupation: Farmer, laborer
Date of Most Recent Arrest: December 24, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Cangzhou City Detention Center (沧州市看守所)
City: Cangzhou
Province: Hebei
Persecution Suffered: Detention
( Seventy-year-old Mr. Sun Yuqiang is a Falun Gong practitioner from Wanghaisi Village in Cang County, Hebei Province. On December 24, 2012, Mr. Sun was arrested by police officers from the Cang County Domestic Security Division and has been illegally detained for over two months. During this time, the authorities have used various excuses to deny his family the right to visit him. The police, the Procuratorate, and the court have attempted to unlawfully try Mr. Sun. The persecution of an honest and innocent resident has aroused indignation among the local citizens. To date, 432 people have signed a petition calling for Mr. Sun's release.
432 Cang County residents signed a petition calling for Mr. Sun's release
A Short Tempered “Pill Box” Becomes a Patient, Healthy Man
Mr. Sun used to make a living making bamboo fences for new houses. He had an notoriously bad temper. By the time he was in his 40's, Mr. Sun had many diseases and became a “pill box”, meaning that he went to the drug store frequently for his medication. His poor health caused his temper to become even worse, and he would fly into a rage over the most trivial things.
A friend introduced Mr. Sun to Falun Gong, based on the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The practice teaches people that one should tell the truth, do things truthfully, become a truthful person, have kind thoughts, do good deeds, and that one should not fight back when punched or insulted. Gradually, Mr. Sun's temperament improved and he started to treat others better. As his mentality changed, his physical health also improved.
Soon Mr. Sun's illnesses disappeared. He suffered from a sore back and severe leg pain whenever he did physical labor. After practicing Falun Gong, he worked in the fields like a young man, though he was in his 70's. He voluntarily helped out his neighbors and quietly repaired the roads to the fields when he saw that they needed attention. People would comment that he was a completely different person after he started practicing Falun Gong.
Arrested While Clarifying the Truth, His Daughter Is Denied the Right to Visit
Mr. Sun was reported by villagers Yang Ximing and Yang Hongzhen while clarifying the truth about Falun Gong at a county fair in Dabaitou Village, Fenghuadian Township on December 24, 2012. He was arrested by police officers from the Cang County Domestic Security Division, led by deputy director Bai Jianhua. Mr. Sun was detained at the Cang County Detention Center.
Three days later, when Mr. Sun's daughter went to the police department, she found out that Cang County Domestic Security Division director Pang Liang and deputy director Bai Jianhua had already submitted Mr. Sun's case to the Cang County Procuratorate. On December 30, the approval for his arrest was granted.
Mr. Sun's daughter went to the police department again on January 8, hoping to see her father. Though the County Domestic Security Division official had issued the paperwork for visitation, the political commissar of the detention center sent her to the Procuratorate. The Procuratorate officials told her that visitation was not allowed between the New Year and the Chinese New Year. They used various excuses to deny her visitation. She went back to the police department on January 14 to request Mr. Sun’s release. Director Pang and deputy director Bai tried to avoid her by saying that they could only take orders from their superiors and were not in a position to help her.
Mr. Sun's daughter again went to the police department on January 31. She later went to the detention center with deputy director Bai and police officer Li Yongsheng. At the detention center, Bai told her that she would not be allowed to visit her father. Later, Bai took a picture of Mr. Sun with his cellphone and showed it to his daughter. After a while, Bai and Li left the detention center.
Mr. Sun's daughter called the director of the detention center, An Ning, and explained her father's case. Director An said, “You can visit him as long as an official of the police department is present.” The daughter then called director Pang. Director Pang told her that he would be available the following Monday, February 4. Later, he changed the date to Tuesday, February 5. When Mr. Sun's daughter went to see him on Tuesday, he told her that she had to wait until after the Chinese New Year. When a family member asked Director Pang, “What crime did Mr. Sun commit?” Pang responded, “Go home and look it up yourself.”
The detention center officials would not allow Mr. Sun’s family to send in any bedding or clothing, and denied Mr. Sun's daughter the right to visit. The detention center was only interested in extorting money from the family.
Two weeks after the Chinese New Year, Mr. Sun's daughter called Deputy Director Pang and demanded to see her father. Pang told her that he was out of town and hasn't answered her phone calls since.
Fighting Injustice, Local Citizens Initiate a Fingerprint Petition Calling for Mr. Sun's Release
Mr. Sun has been unjustly detained for more than two months. During this time, the police have used various excuses to unlawfully deny his family the right of visitation. During the coldest month of the winter, they refused to give him any of the bedding or clothes brought to him by his family to keep him warm. How will the elderly man endure the cold weather?
The Cang County Public Security officials' willful actions of persecuting an honest and innocent resident have aroused indignation among many of the local citizens. They have fingerprinted a petition calling for Mr. Sun's release. As many as 432 people have signed the petition requesting the release of Mr. Sun. The petition also calls for the culprits to be brought to justice.
Those who participated and are responsible for the persecution of Mr. Sun include:
Pang Liang, director of the Cang County Domestic Security Division: +86-13930798029 (Cell)
Bai Jianhua, deputy director of the Cang County Domestic Security Division: +86-13011999988 (Cell)
Zhang Gang, secretary and director: +86-13903279909 (Cell)
Yu Keqiang, head of the Cang County 610 Office: +86-13833796548 (Cell)
Ma Xiufeng, vice president of the Cang County Court in charge of criminals: +86-317-3575001 (Office), +86-13833980666 (Cell)
Liu Qingting, chief judge of the Cang County Court No. 1 Court: +86-317-3575977 (Office), +86-13513272699 (Cell)
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