(Minghui.org) After reading Minghui’s “Notice (Taiwan),” we should all reflect on this further. The issues covered in the notice should be relevant to the hearts of many fellow practitioners.

Regarding the little lotus, this is not how Master taught us to spread the Fa. Master taught the Fa from person to person, from heart to heart, so that people can truly understand what Dafa is and realize the wonder of Dafa from their minds.

Whether a person can be saved depends entirely on whether one has the will to be good, the connection between one and the divine, and the degree of one’s appreciation and desire for Dafa.

Nowadays, in some areas, promoting Dafa has turned into just handing out small lotus flower amulets, and I’ve heard that in some places, tens of thousands are distributed at a time.

“Assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings” is sacred. All the gods in the universe are paying attention to it. How could it be easily measured and calculated by the number of small lotus flowers distributed?

The little lotus is a beautiful hand crafted charm, but cannot save lives. What can truly save lives is bringing people the basic information about Falun Dafa and its principles. True practitioners should cultivate themselves well rather than try to do things in a special way.

We believe that the wonder of Dafa itself is the root that truly touches people’s hearts. When Dafa practitioners’ words, deeds, and thoughts align with Dafa, their righteous thoughts shine through. Their confidence and demeanor will naturally attract people to the booth. They won’t merely use the little lotus to attract passersby.

We do not want to turn a sacred place like a Falun Dafa booth into a place to distribute free lotus flowers. When people do not understand the truth, they will choose the flower and throw away the Dafa flier. That is not our goal.

While at the booth to promote Dafa, I noticed that the chances of people stopping by are limited, and so is their attention span. When we can catch their eyes, it is only right that we introduce Dafa to them so that they can fulfill the wish that they have been waiting for, for billions of years.

The booth’s theme should be to promote Falun Dafa. After people understand what Falun Dafa is, and why we promote this practice, why it is persecuted in China, and how they can help to stop the persecution, we can then give them the lotus flower as a beautiful little reminder to go check out the topic online themselves. The lotus flowers should not be placed upfront to overshadow the main purpose.

This is my understanding at my level; please kindly point out anything inappropriate.