(Minghui.org) Welcome to the Minghui Radio podcasts. Topics include stories relating to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, insights and experiences gained by practitioners during the course of their cultivation, special items of interest, and music composed and performed by Dafa practitioners.

Podcast 1521: When his wife was near death from cancer she began practicing Falun Dafa, and the life threatening tumor disappeared. He and his family witnessed the power of Dafa, and he became a practitioner. Here he shares his struggles to remove old behaviors and notions, including drinking beer and swearing at others when he became angry. This and other stories from the Minghui website.

Original Articles:1. Truly Cultivating Myself2. Master Helped Me Overcome a Tribulation When He Saw My Wish to Save People3. Knowing How to Cultivate

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