(Minghui.org) Two Dongying City, Shandong Province residents were arrested in Longsheng County, Guangxi Province, on May 13, 2024, after they were reported for telling people how the Chinese Communist Party persecutes their faith, Falun Gong.

Ms. Qiu Hongmei, a 51-year-old retired worker at Shengli Oil Field’s Xinda Services Company, and Ms. Li Hongli, a retired worker at Shengli Oil Field’s Water Company in her late 50s, vacationed together in Longsheng and talked to people about Falun Gong while they were there. The Longsheng County Police Department and its subordinate Longji Town Police Station seized the two women after receiving a tip that they were promoting Falun Gong.

Both women are currently held at the Guilin City Second Detention Center. Guilin oversees Longsheng County. They have been denied family visits since their arrests.

Three officers from the Longsheng County Police Department, one of them surnamed Liang, traveled more than 1,200 miles to Dongying City on May 21, 2024. Together with their counterparts from the Bindong Police Department in Dongying, they broke into Ms. Li’s home and confiscated her Falun Gong books and informational materials.

Six days later, the same group of officers went to Ms. Qiu’s husband’s workplace and attempted to search his dorm room. He refused to open the door and the police left. They broke into the couple’s home when no one was there. They confiscated Ms. Qiu’s Falun Gong books, laptop and other valuables. An officer from the Bindong Police Department called Ms. Qiu’s daughter, who lives in a different city, and ordered her to return to Dongying to assist them in gathering evidence against her mother. She refused to comply.

Ms. Qiu was previously given two years of forced labor after she was arrested on March 25, 2005. Her daughter was only four at the time and had to live with her grandparents.

Ms. Qiu was brutally tortured at the Wangcun Second Women’s Labor Camp. She was deprived of sleep, hung up and beaten, shocked with electric batons, and had rags stuffed into her mouth. One of her teeth fell out as a result of the beatings and another became loose.

She refused to drink an unknown liquid drug and guard Li Aiwen tried to force-feed it to her. When he failed, he covered her nose and mouth with a towel. She immediately passed out. After she came to, she was dizzy and had headaches. Li had her handcuffed throughout the ordeal. The skin on her wrists broke and bled as a result. Li ordered her to get up. As soon as she managed to pull herself up by holding onto the wall, guard Ding Haiying kicked her down but ordered her to immediately get up. A third guard, named Li Qian, used a rope to tie her hands tightly, causing excruciating pain. She lost feeling in her hands as a result and did not regain sensation after she was released.

For more details of Ms. Qiu’s past persecution, see the related reports below.

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