(Minghui.org) I recently heard that a practitioner was having serious illness symptoms. I frequently shared my understanding based on the Fa with her to help strengthen her righteous thoughts. I also kept looking inward and realized that even though this illusion of sickness karma happened to her, it also tested my understanding of karma elimination.

I also recently experienced some light symptoms of illness karma. Some of my skin became red and swollen and kept peeling. Because I kept reinforcing my understanding of the Fa regarding this, I didn’t treat it as illness and knew I was eliminating karma.

Master said,

“After the first stage, the body of the practitioner is no longer a regular one. A practitioner will never again get sick after reaching the Milk-White Body state. The pain that might emerge here and there or the discomfort in a certain area is not sickness, though it may appear similar: It is caused by karma.” (Chapter II, Falun Gong)

Developing gong is very quick when one practices Falun Dafa. I understand that a practitioner who has cultivated for many years has long gone past that stage and thus no longer becomes ill. It’s just that when cultivation reaches a certain level, there’s a portion of karma that has to be eliminated, and eliminating it is uncomfortable. As for these feelings of pain and itchiness, they’re all human’s feelings and if you think they’re real, the old forces may intensify your human body’s feelings and thus achieve their goal of making your righteous thoughts waver.

While practicing Falun Dafa we’re cultivating with our main consciousness, so when we eliminate karma and suffer, we have to do so with a clear mind. Therefore, even when the body experiences pain, itchiness, or other symptoms, we shouldn’t take it seriously. Instead we need to firm up our righteous thoughts and eliminate the interference.

As I kept studying the Fa and deepening my understanding of karma elimination, the red and swollen parts of my skin gradually improved. However, one day when it was particularly itchy, I couldn’t tolerate it and scratched a few more times. The next day, the redness and swelling suddenly worsened.

I looked inward to see if my righteous thoughts wavered or whether I had xinxing issues. After examining myself, I felt my righteous thoughts didn’t waver and I didn’t have any bad thoughts. So why did it worsen?

I enlightened that even though I knew suffering and eliminating karma were good things, when my condition improved, I felt pretty good; when it suddenly worsened, I still treated the “worsening” as a bad thing and thus wondered if something was wrong. I also attempted to solve the problem so my condition would improve soon and I would stop being uncomfortable.

I didn’t truly treat karma elimination as a good thing. If I realized that karma elimination was a good thing, then wouldn’t the so called “worsening” be good? If the karma comes quickly then isn’t it quickly eliminated? Isn’t it a good thing to eliminate karma quickly?

The longer I cultivate, the more I realize Master’s infinite grace. He has endured so much karma for practitioners and sentient beings. As practitioners, what we can do during ordeals is to study the Fa well. Then, when we’re undergoing karma elimination, we will truly understand the situation based on the Fa’s principles and realize this is a great opportunity to improve so it’s a great thing. We shouldn’t try to push karma away or avoid eliminating it.

We should have unwavering faith in Dafa and not slack off in saving people and clarifying the truth.