(Minghui.org) A local practitioner, Ling, was arrested eight years ago and sent to a women’s prison thousands of miles away. Her son, Gang, who was in my Fa study group, decided to go with his father and sister to visit her. Although most of the practitioners in our Fa study group were not well acquainted with Ling, three of us decided to accompany them.

We arrived at the prison after a 12-hour train ride. The prison manager, Zhang, refused to allow Gang and his family to see Ling because Gang practices Falun Dafa.

We explained the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution to Zhang and sent righteous thoughts. He told us he understood Falun Dafa practitioners were good people and promised to treat Ling well. However, he explained that a practitioner visiting another practitioner in prison required approval from the director of the 610 Office, as per their policy. Undeterred, we continued talking to him.

A little while later, a male prison guard arrived to videotape us, and several female prison guards surrounded us. We thought they were there to arrest us. Among them was another prison manager, Wang, who demanded that we stop talking about Dafa and said Falun Dafa was a cult. Another practitioner and I compassionately told her that speaking about Dafa in such a way was not good for her, but she refused to listen and kept criticizing Falun Dafa.

I believed that evil forces in another dimension were manipulating Wang to defame Dafa, and I felt compelled to defend Dafa, so I loudly proclaimed, “Falun Dafa is righteous!” She immediately calmed down.

After a few moments of silence, one of the prison guards said, “Okay, that sentence is good enough. You can all go home." Zhang then politely escorted us out of the prison.

The six of us returned home safely. Our righteous thoughts and actions dissolved the potential persecution.

After Ling was released, she told us that after our visit that day, she was treated well and the other practitioners were allowed family visits.

Now I understand that in critical moments of the battle between good and evil, Master is always there to protect us if we believe in him, eliminate our fear and maintain strong righteous thoughts.