(Minghui.org) This year, I am 78 years old. It was in March 1999, that I finally found Falun Dafa, which helped me understand the true meaning of life. Under Master’s protection for the past 20-plus years, I’ve been illness-free and in good health. Thus, I never had to take any medications, and I felt light and comfortable when walking. For all of this, my gratitude to Master is beyond words.

I’d like to share the story of my mother, who started to practice Falun Dafa in her 90s, to tell people that Falun Dafa is wonderful!

My Parents’ Difficult Lives

My mother had been through a lot in her life. During the Great Cultural Revolution in 1966, my father was labeled as an “active counter-revolutionary” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and was paraded around and criticized under the label of “four categories of people.” He was sentenced to seven years in prison. I was discriminated against by my teachers and classmates at school, and lived in fear every day. My mother had to earn a living and take care of the four of us. Because of all this, she suffered a lot and developed several illnesses. For more than 80 years of her life, she suffered from illness every day.

When my mother was in her 80s, my family moved to be near her. My husband said to me, “You have to take good care of your mother now.” She was skinny, her face was purple and black, she had difficulty breathing, couldn’t speak, was unsteady when she walked, and often caught colds. There were all kinds of medicines beside her bed. I took my mother to the hospital for an exam and X-ray. The doctor said her vocal cords were damaged, and couldn’t be fixed.

My Mother’s Speech Came Back and Her Illnesses Were Cured

My mother was so sick, how could I take good care of her? Then an idea cast into my mind: By practicing Falun Dafa. So I went to her home to introduce Falun Dafa to her. I told her about the beauty of Dafa, and that one can be blessed by quietly reciting the phrases “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I also played Minghui podcasts for her, so she could listen to practitioners’ experience-sharing articles. As she listened to them, she was able to speak again. Her vocal cords had returned to normal. The illnesses that the hospital could not treat were cured by her listening to those sharing articles. It was amazing!

I had her listen to some podcasts in the series “Remembering the Kindness of Master.” She got an idea and became very excited. She said to me, “I’ll do the [Dafa] exercises, and I’ll stop taking the medication. Through practicing Falun Dafa, Master will help clean up my body.” So she got rid of her medicines. I then played Master’s recorded lectures for her. She came to understand the purpose of coming to this world, and said cheerfully, “This is truly the Buddha Law! Master lectured very well! I never thought that I would be able to hear the true Buddha preach the law of the universe in this lifetime!”

She was already in her 90s when she started practicing Falun Dafa. Her age didn’t seem to matter to her, and she still asked me to show her the exercise movements. She learned very diligently and kept doing the exercises every day. Because she studied the Fa and did the exercises, she constantly improved her xinxing. For instance, she often looked within for reasons why bad things occurred. Soon after she began practicing, the heart disease she had for over 70 years and the long-term high blood pressure and dizziness were gone. Master cleaned up her body, and she gained a new life in Dafa!

My Mother Respected Master and Dafa

Every morning after my mother woke up, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, then cleaned the house, wiping every corner of it. She said, “Buddha is clean, so the house must be clean.” Then she knelt in front of Master’s portrait, burned incense, and bowed.

She had a Dafa amulet around her neck, which has “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” written on it. She cherished it very much and put it up high every time she took it off. She said, “This is what the Buddha said. It cannot be placed randomly, and it cannot be stepped on.”

My mother changed a lot after she started practicing. Her face, which used to be dark and thin, had become fair and plump, with a rosy complexion. Her skin was smooth and delicate, and all the wrinkles on her face had disappeared. Her gray hair had turned black, and she looked like she was in her 70s, instead of in her 90s.

Her physical transformation showcased the miraculous and extraordinary nature of Falun Dafa. When her relatives, friends and neighbors came to see her, she clarified the truth to them. She also shared the two auspicious phrases with them: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” She told people that by reciting these words often enough, one can ensure safety and receive blessings.

Being Safe and Sound Under Master’s Protection

Once, I was taking my mother to the bathhouse. As we were going downstairs, she missed a step and fell to the ground. With a loud bang, her head hit the marble floor. I helped her up and saw that her eyes were tightly closed and she couldn’t open them. I said, “Mom, please ask Master to help you and recite the two phrases!”

My mother kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Gradually, she opened her eyes. I asked if her head hurt. She said she was ok and there was no swelling. I then asked if she still wanted to take a bath. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said. I knew it was Master’s protection that helped her get over this tribulation.

One time she sprained her leg, but still wanted to do the exercises. When she couldn’t get up, she just sat by the bed and did them. When her son tried to talk her into taking medicine, she said, “I’m a practitioner. I have Master protecting me. I don’t need to take that.” She had been listening to Master’s recorded lectures, Minghui podcasts, and reciting the two auspicious phrases every day. She soon recovered.

When she reached 95 years old, our mother passed away peacefully without any signs of pain.