(Minghui.org) About 80 young practitioners from colleges and universities in the north, central and southern parts of Taiwan held a four-day, three-night Falun Dafa youth camp at National Chengchi University from August 8 to 11, 2024. 

They shared their experiences on improving their xinxing when they encountered difficulties in their lives through studying the Fa and looking inward.

Group photo of the 2024 Youth Camp.

Young practitioners practice the Falun Dafa exercises together.

Young Teacher: Dafa Has a Lot of Power

Huiyi cherishes the environment of learning with fellow practitioners.

Huiyi, who works as a special education teacher, participated in the camp for the second time. She said, “The cultivation environment is very precious. I heard a lot about the cultivation process of my fellow practitioners. I heard what kinds of hurdles they encountered and how they overcame them, all of which have strengthened my righteous thoughts.”

When Huiyi was in her third year of high school, she suffered from a disease that could not be identified by major hospitals. She said, “I was reading in the library, and suddenly my whole body had convulsions, as if I had been struck by lightning. I was vomiting and had diarrhea, skin ulcers all over my body, bone pain, and a fever that persisted. I went to doctors everywhere, had all kinds of tests and they couldn’t find the cause. Ultimately, I became a patient who kept visiting the hospital but couldn’t be cured.”

One day, Huiyi saw a leaflet about Falun Dafa in the hospital. She thought, why not give it a try? When Huiyi began Falun Dafa cultivation practice, she didn’t expect Dafa to fundamentally purify her body and mind and change her life.

“At that time, I was impressed when I saw the words ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.’ Because I used to think about how to make myself comfortable and get ahead, no one taught me how to endure. Now no matter what I do, I remind myself of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Not only is my health better, but those symptoms are gone. My whole worldview has changed. Dafa really has a lot of power, turning me from a person who lived in hell every day to a normal, healthy, and happy cultivator!”

A Test of Life and Death

Yuzhe hopes that he will be more pure and have the enthusiasm to cultivate as if he just started.

Yuzhe, who is studying for a master’s degree at Mingzhi University of Science and Technology, said that he had a new reason for working at the camp this year. “In the past,” he said, “I joined the camp to meet more people. But this time, I seriously thought about why I came to participate. I began to experience a change in my mindset. I no longer saw camp as a place to make friends, but to really study and improve together with my fellow practitioners.”

In 2019, Yuzhe suffered a serious car accident. “I was bleeding inside my skull and I almost couldn’t wake up [from a coma],” he said. “During my hospitalization, my father continued to study the Fa next to me. With Master’s compassionate help, I woke up miraculously.”

The moment Yuzhe opened his eyes, his father, who was watching him, immediately saw it. The doctor said, “Yuzhe, if you hear me, please move your finger.” When Yuzhe slowly stretched out his finger, the doctor was stunned! Yuzhe said, “Originally, the doctor thought that when I opened my eyes it was just a knee-jerk reaction. He didn’t expect that I would really regain consciousness.”

After that, his father took Yuzhe to study the Fa and do the exercises every day. He recovered quickly. “Originally, I couldn’t move my left side, but then I could move both sides.” Yuzhe, who bounced back from a life-and-death test, has a deeper understanding of cultivation. He thanked Master for Master’s mercy and salvation, and said he hopes that he can become a purer cultivator.

Improving Forbearance While Meditating

Yiqing’s biggest takeaway was improving her forbearance while meditating.

Yiqing believes she has been cultivating since she was in her mother’s womb. She said, “Cultivating Dafa has taught me to think more about other people’s feelings, rather than being self-centered on my own emotions. In the past, I would get angry at small things easily. I couldn’t let go of that anger, but now I will think more deeply, ‘Why am I angry? Is there something I haven’t done well? Are there any attachments that haven’t been removed?’”

Yiqing’s biggest takeaway from the camp was that her forbearance greatly improved. “When I was practicing with everyone in a group, I opened my eyes halfway through the sitting meditation and saw that some of my fellow practitioners had already put their legs down [from the lotus position]. I too wanted to put my legs down, but I remembered that a practitioner shared that no matter how painful something is, she won’t die of pain anyway! Her words were very straightforward, and impressed me. So, I held out and finally persevered for an hour. I was moved by this painful experience and I hope to be able to do it in the future.”

Getting Rid of the Attachments to Comfort and Fear; Talking about Dafa in an Open and Dignified Manner

Wanxuan said that when she encounters a conflict, she looks inside for her own shortcomings.

Wanxuan, who is studying in the Department of Chinese Musicology at Taiwan University of the Arts, is currently in her third year. She said that she started cultivating Falun Dafa with her younger siblings and her mother when she was in the first grade. “Cultivating Dafa allows me to focus more on my schoolwork, have better friendships and interpersonal relationships, and not worry as much as my friends. I use Dafa’s principles to look at everything I encounter. For example, when I quarrel with my friends, I don’t try to fight. I don’t fight over who is right and who is wrong, but I look for what I didn’t do well.”

After entering university, Wanxuan realized the importance of studying the Fa. “The past few days at camp, I studied the Fa with my fellow practitioners a lot, did the exercises, and sent forth righteous thoughts. I now understand that it is really important to study the Fa well. Through sharing with fellow practitioners, I also found my own attachments to comfort and fear. In the past, when my classmates asked me what I was up to, I would avoid talking about Dafa, but now when my classmates ask me what activities I do, I take the opportunity to clarify the truth. I found that I was attached to saving face and was clinging to human notions. When I really share the truth frankly, my classmates accept it peacefully.”

Always Looking Inward to Correct Shortcomings

Bo Han, who organized the youth camp, said, “This time, we encountered great challenges in terms of venue application, schedule planning, the preparation process, and personnel recruitment. However, I think the important thing is whether we can consider ourselves Dafa disciples and look at the challenges from the perspective of cultivation. At the same time, we didn’t have any negative thoughts towards fellow practitioners. We only looked at the bright side of things. We have realized that all kinds of difficulties have been arranged by Master to help us improve, and if we can look inside and study the Fa and practice the exercises steadily, many problems will be resolved naturally.”