(Minghui.org) Since the day when Falun Dafa was introduced to the public, the evil forces have never ceased to attack Dafa. It’s usually easy for us to reject those who directly defame Dafa, but it’s not always easy to be clear about those who once practiced Dafa and then later caused disruptions.

There are two self-claimed “elites” in the U.S. who are attacking Dafa very actively. For practitioners who have studied the Fa well, it’s not hard to tell that what they said was false and evil. Those who are affected by them probably don’t have a deep understanding of the Fa and are inviting interference themselves. For some veteran practitioners, the defamation spread by the two “elites” are no different from the propaganda crafted by the CCP in the beginning of the persecution, such as the “1,400 deaths,” “Master was making money off the practitioners” or “Dafa has support from overseas political forces.”

Some practitioners are so interested in such gossip. They don’t think about how to better cultivate their xinxing or how to save more people, but tried to find out how many houses Master owns, how Master’s family members have cultivated, which famous Dafa practitioner or which Dafa association’s coordinator passed away, or whether Shen Yun was taking advantage of performers who are minors.

From the perspective of ordinary people’s society, Master has published 51 books and each book has sold dozens of millions of copies in nearly 50 different languages. But no matter how much in royalties Master has made from the books or how much real estate Master may own, it has nothing to do with our cultivation.

Everyone’s cultivation status is different. There might be countless reasons for Dafa practitioners’ passing away, be it historic reasons, their vows, or their cultivation path. We should have come to an understanding of this when we first started practicing Dafa. If, after cultivating for over 20 years, some practitioners still have doubts on this regard, to me, this reflects their lack of faith. Dafa cultivation doesn’t mean life insurance for us or that we will not die. Any incorrect thought might invite trouble to ourselves.

I also don’t understand why are they making a fuss about Shen Yun’s having underaged performers. Look at the Olympics, there are so many athletes who are in their teens. The youngest Chinese Olympian was Zheng Haohao, who was only 11 when she was competing in skateboarding during the 2024 Paris Olympics. Many of those young athletes started trained since they were 8 or 9 and they train many hours a day, often six or seven days a week. Nobody would find anything wrong with that.

For Shen Yun, such a high-caliber performance, long hours of training and perfection in dancing skills is needed. That’s the requirement of a professional dancer and it’s the same for many other dance companies. And what they do is to bring hope and beauty to people, which is appreciated by a large number of attendees.

The Fa-rectification has come to the final stage. We should all have matured in all the hard lessons we’ve had along the way.