(Minghui.org) I was a Christian before 2000. I often went to church and mingled with people there, but I always felt some lingering depression inside.

I got married in 2001. Later, I learned that my husband had previously practiced Falun Dafa, but stopped due to severe persecution of the practice by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, he kept his Falun Dafa books intact, including Zhuan Falun. The first time I opened Zhuan Falun and saw Master’s photo, I felt very happy and clear-headed, and my depression disappeared almost immediately. From that moment on, I started practicing Dafa.

One night, I had a dream, in which a big python flew away from my room. I knew instantly that Master had purified my body. In the past I had been infertile and unable to conceive a child. However, after I started practicing and reading Dafa books, I was able to give birth to a healthy baby son a year and a half later. My husband and I were over the moon with the new addition to the family, and we both were extremely grateful to Master Li for his gracious kindness.

When our son was five years old, he fell sick and was diagnosed with pneumonia. He kept coughing and wheezing, and had difficulty breathing. He also had diarrhea from time to time. We were very worried and stayed in the hospital with him for more than 20 days. However, after spending all of our savings, my son still showed no signs of improvement. We lost hope in the doctors, and my son was discharged from hospital.

After returning home, we knew that only Dafa could save our son. We sincerely recited the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good” from our hearts. The next day, my son miraculously recovered, and his constant coughing and wheezing disappeared. It was like a miracle! Our gratitude to Master Li was beyond expression in any language in the world!

One day in winter, my husband was driving a car and I was sitting in the passenger seat. Suddenly a motorcycle was rushing towards us head-on. The man was riding with his head down. My husband immediately pressed hard on the brakes, and we both instinctively shouted “Falun Dafa is good!” Our car made a sharp 360-degree circle and stopped on the right side of the road. The motorcycle quickly turned into an alley on the left and disappeared. What a close call! We witnessed the miracle of Dafa once again! Thank you Master for your most gracious protection and salvation!