(Minghui.org) I served in the army in the 1980s and then as a village cadre for several years after demobilization. I later worked as a carpenter, but never earned very much, because I was often cheated. My wife suffered from all kinds of health issues, but we had no money for medical care, and no one was willing to lend us any. My children had to leave school early because we were so poor. Our lives were very hard and we were often miserable. 

When we were feeling desperate and had lost hope, my wife learned Falun Dafa, and soon afterwards, all her ailments were gone. Seeing how much my wife changed, I also started to practice Falun Dafa and let go of many of my bad habits, such as losing my temper easily, getting into fights, neglecting my family, smoking, and drinking. I felt energized and was offered more carpentry jobs. 

We moved from the countryside to the county town, where we first rented a house but have now built our own house. We have also bought a car and have savings in the bank. We could never have imagined that our lives could have improved so much! We know in our hearts that it was Master who has given us all this, and our whole family is extremely grateful to Dafa and Master.

The following are a few of the amazing things we’ve experienced. 

I was installing a door in a client’s home, when I accidentally set the door, which weighed over 40 kilos (approximately 88 pounds), down on my little toe. I immediately thought that Master was in charge of everything for cultivators, so I didn’t take any notice of it at the time. When I looked at my toe later, I saw that it had been flattened like a dime. I put on my shoe and continued working. I fixed the door in about half an hour. Suddenly, I noticed that my shoe was wet. When I took it off, I saw that it was full of blood. 

“Dad, you’d better wrap up your injured toe,” my son said. But there wasn’t anything suitable to use, so I tore a piece off a rag and wrapped it around my toe. After we finished work and returned home, I thought I should re-wrap my toe with something cleaner. But when I took a look, my toe was already back to normal, with no sign of injury, and the blood was all dried up. It was simply incredible!

On another occasion, I was driving a mobility scooter back to my hometown. I felt a bit sleepy on the way, but didn’t stop and rest. I thought I would just hold on and make it home soon. Then I dozed off and lost control of the vehicle. I found myself and the vehicle suspended against a tree by the side of the road next to a deep ditch.

Very carefully, I inched out of the scooter and got it back on the road. I saw that the scooter had broken two trees about 18 centimeters (8 inches) in diameter before it was caught by a third tree about 70 centimeters (28 inches) thick. The vehicle had spun around 180 degrees, and only a tree branch that had gotten caught through the rear window of the scooter helped stop it. Amazingly, I was not hurt at all. I felt a bit shaken afterwards, though. 

Once again, Master protected me. If I hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa, it could have been a fatal accident.

The above are just a couple of miraculous incidents among countless others my family and I have experienced. I share them so that more people can know that Falun Dafa is great. If they keep that message in their hearts, they will be blessed as well.