(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2004, when I was just a young girl growing up in rural China. I’m now 35 years old.

When I was 14 years old and in junior high school, I developed many small purple and red colored spots inside my mouth, which sometimes bled. I went to the county hospital and was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia (a type of blood disease). I then went to the city hospital which confirmed the diagnosis. I underwent two courses of treatment, but they did not help. Transferring to the best hospital in the province did not help either. We turned to traditional Chinese medicine. My family and I drove 300 kilometers to obtain a supply of Chinese medicines. I took them for a month, but there was no improvement. We then reached out to Fengshui masters, but this ended in failure as well.

At this time, my family was deeply in debt, and my dad lost hope in ever finding a medical treatment to help me. My mother wept every day. I was severely anemic due to heavy menstrual bleeding. I lay in bed all day, feeling weak and looking very pale. My platelets were only 10,000 (100,000 to 300,000 platelets are normal for adults). My family was in a desperate situation.

One day in 2004, my aunt came to visit us and told us that Falun Dafa is amazing and some people had their illnesses resolved after they practiced. My dad agreed to let me try.

This thought of wanting to sincerely practice Dafa had an immediate effect, and a miracle occurred: the blood clots and bloody urine I had every morning disappeared. My family was ecstatic. It seemed just agreeing to practice was miraculous!

I stayed at my aunt’s house for six days and learned the five sets of Dafa exercises. I brought home the precious book Zhuan Falun. Studying the Fa and practicing the exercises became my daily routine. I stopped taking medicine. Through studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, I became stronger and stronger, and my pale face finally turned rosy.

I was able to take care of myself and help my mother with housework. My blood disease was cured without medication. Two months later, I was fully recovered, and I returned to school. My father, mother, and sister all started practicing Dafa and benefited greatly from the practice.

After I got married, when I was about to give birth to my daughter, the county and city hospitals refused to accept us due to a low platelet count (only 70,000 at the time). I went to the provincial hospital where I gave birth to my daughter successfully, with Master’s protection.

Now, I have a daughter and a son. My family is happy and harmonious. My work is going smoothly. All this comes as a result of diligently cultivating myself through practicing Falun Dafa.