(Minghui.org) To mark the 25th anniversary of Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to end the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, practitioners held a rally on Stephansplatz in Vienna on July 13, 2024. They demonstrated the exercises and put up display boards which had information about the 25-year-long persecution.

The Falun Gong practitioner who hosted the rally read statements sent by two Austrian parliament members. Soon after the CCP began persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in China on July 20, 1999, practitioners around the world began to peacefully protest and tell the world’s people about it.

Practitioners did the exercises during the event in Vienna on July 13, 2024.

Members of National Council Write to Support Practitioners’ Protesting the Persecution

Petra Bayr, a member of the National Council

Ms. Petra Bayr, member of the Austrian National Council, responsible for foreign policy and global development, sent a statement, which read, “The freedom to live according to one’s own culture and religion, and to express one’s own opinions are fundamental human rights.” She reminded people that these rights should be respected all over the world, but unfortunately, they are violated in many places. She said that she gets hope when she sees people standing up for human rights. She is very grateful to all those who do so.

Dr. Elisabeth Götze, a member of the National Council

Dr. Elisabeth Götze, a member of the National Council, stated, “For 25 years, Falun Dafa practitioners have been persecuted in China for their beliefs and convictions, and have suffered inhumane treatment ranging from forced labor to organ harvesting. The persecution must end, and China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has a special responsibility!” She added, “I am very grateful to all those who have worked tirelessly for these people (practitioners) and for their support for Falun Dafa. I am very grateful for the opportunity to make a statement on this important issue.”

A practitioner read the statements sent by legislators and described the CCP’s persecution.

Passersby Support Falun Gong

Stephansplatz (Stephens Square) was crowded that morning. Many people went to the information stand, and after talking with practitioners, signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution and a stop to the CCP’s live organ harvesting.

Some people saw the words “live organ harvesting” on the big banner and wanted to sign the petition immediately. Many people asked what this had to do with Falun Gong practitioners who practiced peacefully.

Practitioners explained that this crime exists in many detention centers in China. There is evidence that many CCP officials are also involved. The largest group of victims of live organ harvesting are Falun Gong practitioners. They have committed no crimes, but are detained because of their beliefs. The vast majority of practitioners were tortured for no reason without even going through due legal process.

Passersby sign the petition calling to end the persecution.

People talk with practitioners to learn about the persecution.

A gentleman heard about Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and learned about the CCP’s persecution. He was surprised and asked the practitioner, “Why? These are universal values!” He understood that the CCP did not like these three words.

A couple was surprised that the CCP did not allow people to practice Falun Dafa. They asked if it was prohibited by law. The practitioner replied that there was no law in China that prohibited Falun Dafa, but the government did not act according to the law. So they signed the petition.

Practitioners also talked to many Chinese tourists about Falun Dafa and exposed the CCP’s persecution. As a result, 18 Chinese people announced their withdrawals from the Party and its affiliated organizations.

Practitioners also talked to many people who had previously seen practitioners in various places. When they saw the practitioners’ booth in Vienna, they encouraged them to keep working hard.

A Polish family told a practitioner that they saw a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Poland, and were surprised to see Polish leaflet about Falun Dafa in Austria. They said they would tell others about the persecution.

Two visitors from Great Britain told a practitioner that they liked Falun Gong, and it was important to let more people know the truth. They told practitioners, “Keep working hard!”

Several people from Steiermark said, “We wish you good luck!” as soon as they saw the practitioners. They explained that they had previously learned about the CCP’s persecution.

“Don’t Give Up!”

A woman was shocked to learn that Falun Dafa practitioners were being severely persecuted in China. She said that the CCP not only wanted to destroy precious traditions, but also wanted to destroy the kindness in people. She wanted to send a message to Falun Gong practitioners in China, “Things will get better, and people can keep their traditions. I hope you keep hope and don’t give up!”

Two students took a group photo to greet practitioners in China.

Two students arrived at the end of the activity. They said they liked Falun Dafa very much and asked to pose for a photo with practitioners. They wanted to greet practitioners in China and send their sincere wishes.