(Minghui.org) The Chinese Communist Party launched a “Zero Tolerance” campaign a couple of years ago aimed at persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Local police called me many times, trying to meet me in person, but I refused. The police in many cities have recently gone to Falun Dafa practitioners’ homes to harass them and forcibly take photos of the practitioners. After being urged many times, I finally agreed to meet a police officer who had called me. I met him in a restaurant on May 26 of this year.

Before I left home, I told my son, a new Falun Dafa practitioner and a grade-school student, to help me send forth righteous thoughts. A fellow practitioner also came to my home to send forth righteous thoughts with my son.

The police officer looked a little surprised when I showed up. He said that I looked like I had a great aura and unique qualities. He talked politely and didn’t force me to pose for any pictures. I told him about Falun Dafa for an hour. I took the lead throughout our conversation.

My son was still sending forth righteous thoughts when I got home. He told me what he had seen with his celestial eye while sending forth righteous thoughts.

“I saw many rotating Falun behind you. They formed a barrier, as if waiting for an order to charge. I also saw many law bodies of Master’s reinforcing you and protecting you. Heavenly troops and generals also came to help. Among them stood a heavenly beast in armor. The wicked spirits behind the police officer looked as tiny as ants in front of the majestic divine force. They disappeared after a short time.”

I learned from my son’s words that the evil factors had become weak and tiny. They are destroyed by the powerful heavenly guards of the Law as soon as they line up. The reason why they are still persecuting Falun Dafa disciples is because the old forces “test” Dafa disciples under the excuse that some of us still have fear and attachments. However, the evil factors are trivial. As long as we hold strong faith in Master and Falun Dafa, and act with strong righteous thoughts, they will collapse in no time.

Our great compassionate Master has blessed Falun Dafa disciples with almighty virtue.