(Minghui.org) On July 20, 2024, Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners hosted several activities to tell people about the 25th anniversary of their peaceful resistance to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

Since July 1999, the CCP has mobilized China’s media and law enforcement entities to implement genocidal policies against Falun Gong. This egregious persecution of human rights in China has gone on for 25 years.

Peaceful Protest in Front of Chinese Embassy

Practitioners did the exercises in front of the Chinese embassy in Stockholm, calling for an immediate end to the persecution.

On the morning of July 20, 2024, the 25th anniversary of the day the persecution started, practitioners did the exercises in front of the Chinese embassy in Stockholm, to peacefully protest the ongoing persecution and to call on the CCP to immediately end it.

Practitioners used a speaker to urge passersby and the staff to learn the truth about Falun Gong, to stop aiding the evildoers, to distance themselves from the CCP, to be responsible for their own future, and to quickly withdraw from CCP-affiliated organizations.

At that time, loud noises and songs played by multiple high-pitched speakers could be heard coming from the embassy’s yard, evidently to interfere with practitioners’ efforts.

People that walked or drove by were moved by the peaceful scene as practitioners did the exercises. They said they were moved by their persistence and courage in peacefully and rationally resisting the persecution.

Some people said that the embassy’s interfering with noise was truly despicable, as people enjoy the freedom of speech and assembly in Sweden and everyone is able to express their own opinions. They said that the embassy producing such loud noise not only disturbed citizens but it would also hurt their own ears, so they should just turn off the noise and use their own heads to think about what practitioners were trying to tell them.

“I’m So Lucky to Be Able to Practice Falun Dafa”

Ms. Liang

Ms. Liang has lived in Sweden for nearly 20 years. She said that she benefited both physically and mentally after she began to practice Falun Dafa in Sweden in May 2016.

“I didn’t know what Falun Dafa was. In 2005, I immigrated to Sweden with my daughter who was over ten years old. In 2015, I developed a serious frozen shoulder. I was treated at a rehab center, but it didn’t get better—I even had trouble putting on my clothes. I was in a horrible mood. I saw a practitioners' channel on YouTube by chance and learned about Falun Dafa. I then started to pay attention to it,” Ms. Liang said.

She said that after reading Zhuan Falun, she decided that she would cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance for the rest of her life. “My mental state was getting better and better. My body became light, and I was both physically and mentally happy. What was more magical was that my frozen shoulder was healed. It was as if I became a different person,” she said.

She said that her daughter, seeing how much she improved in such a short period of time, supported her practicing Falun Dafa. “When my daughter went to school in China, even though she was young, she was deceived by the CCP’s lies. But when she personally witnessed how I changed, she realized that what the CCP propagated was all lies and did not match the reality,” she said.

She said every time she talks about this experience, she wants to weep. “I’m so lucky to be able to practice Falun Dafa. But whenever I think of the persecution that practitioners in China are suffering, as well as those Chinese people that have been deceived by the CCP’s lies, I am heartbroken and sad.” She said that, because she has personally benefited from Falun Dafa, from her heart she wants to tell people the truth and urge more people to help stop the persecution.

Events in Stockholm

At 1 p.m. that day, practitioners set up displays both on Sergels torg (Sergel’s Square), a major public square in Stockholm, and in front of the Nobel Prize Museum to continue raising awareness to locals as well as tourists from around the world.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and simulated the CCP’s persecution methods and forced organ harvesting on Sergels torg (Sergel’s Square) in Stockholm.

Practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution.

This gentleman was interested in learning Falun Dafa and asked where the downtown exercise site is located.

People sign the petition to support practitioners’ efforts in resisting the persecution.

During the event on Sergels torg, a number of people were shocked to see the contrast between the peaceful exercises and the simulated persecution scenes and talked with practitioners to find out more. They then signed the petition in support of practitioners’ efforts to resist the persecution. Some were also interested in learning the practice and asked for information about the exercise site.

Activities in Front of the Nobel Prize Museum

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises in front of the Nobel Prize Museum.

People read the brochure practitioners were handing out.

As soon as practitioners finished setting up their display in front of the Nobel Prize Museum, people stopped and asked about Falun Dafa. Some read the materials, while other read the posters. A Chinese visitor from the U.S. waved to practitioners and said, “Hello you all! I support you very much. Keep going!”

Couple: “It’s Great You’re Doing This Right Here!”

A couple signs the petition.

A couple who read the information on the posters and signed the petition said, “It [forced organ harvesting] is truly evil and is difficult to accept. It is beyond imagination, but we believe that it’s real.”

In fact, when their daughter was doing medical research in California, she met a Chinese doctor, who told her about forced organ harvesting and recommended David Matas and David Kilgour’s investigative report and Bloody Harvest. After their daughter was convinced by all the evidence, she helped spread the word to more people, including her parents in Sweden.

The man said, “It’s great that you’re doing this [raising awareness] right here! Of course we have to support it! We’ve also seen practitioners in downtown Washington, D.C. Expose this as often as possible so that more people pay attention to it and stop it together.”

Chinese Tourist from France: “You Falun Gong Are Remarkable”

An older Chinese man signed the petition without hesitation and gave practitioners a thumbs-up. He spoke with practitioners for a long time. “You Falun Gong are remarkable. I support you!” he said. He told practitioners that he was an author and had also left China due to persecution by the CCP. He currently lives in France.

He said that he admires Falun Gong practitioners’ courage and perseverance in exposing the CCP’s crimes. “You are the most resolute anti-CCP force in the world. I am deeply aware of the evilness of the CCP. It is Satan, the devil. The CCP’s persecution and suppression of you practitioners are destined to fail! I have seen that there are people practicing Falun Gong everywhere in the world, and many of them are not Chinese,” he said.

Practitioners explained, “Falun Gong does not get involved in politics and only teaches people to cultivate themselves and be good people according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It only brings benefits and no harm to both the nation and the people. It is also not against any political party. What Falun Gong practitioners are opposing is this persecution. Everything that Falun Gong practitioners worldwide are doing is to expose and stop the persecution.” The man said that he very much agreed with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and would continue to follow and support Falun Gong.