(Minghui.org) To mark the 25th anniversary of Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to end the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, practitioners from Taiwan, Japan, and Guam held an event at the scenic Alupang Beach Park in Guam on July 20, 2024. A candlelight vigil in the evening commemorated the Falun Gong practitioners who were persecuted to death by the CCP. Practitioners wanted to focus attention on the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.

Falun Gong practitioners’ event in Guam on July 20

Candlelight vigil in Guam

In the gentle breeze, Falun Gong practitioners lit candles and sat quietly on the beach, their expressions solemn. Through this symbolic event, they expressed their condolences to the victims and condemned the CCP’s atrocities. The flickering candlelight reflected the practitioners’ perseverance and belief in peace.

As passersby stopped and looked, some taking pictures with their phones, practitioners explained the significance of the event and what was happening in China with the CCP’s persecution.

A man on a bicycle who stopped to observe the vigil accepted a brochure from a practitioner. He also took a few photos and said he wanted to take the brochure back to show his wife. When he learned that the U.S. Congress had recently passed a bill to protect Falun Gong, he said that he hoped that the bill would further protect practitioners.

John, a local youth, was drawn by the event and photographed the candlelight vigil for more than 10 minutes with his professional camera. After speaking with practitioners, he learned the truth about Falun Gong and expressed hope that the persecution would end soon.

A practitioner from Taiwan said that he hoped that, through this event, more people would hear about the persecution in China, and hoped that the international community would increase its attention and condemnation regarding this issue. He said, “We hope to awaken more people to join us in opposing the CCP’s persecution and speak out for those innocent practitioners who have suffered tremendously.”

As the vigil ended in silence, the practitioners hoped that through such events, more people would get to hear about and understand the seriousness of the issue and work with each other to stop the CCP’s persecution.