(Minghui.org) Practitioners set up an information booth on June 22, 2024 on the busy streets of Draguignan in the southeastern Le Var region of France. They introduced Falun Dafa and provided information about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, including harvesting organs from practitioners.

The previous Saturday, June 15, practitioners participated in a community event organized by the Toulouse city government. They introduced Falun Dafa to the public at Place du Capitole, the city’s central square.

These activities in both regions helped more people learn about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Exposing the Crime of Organ Harvesting on Organ Donation Day

At the information booth in Draguignan, practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution that began in July 1999. They explained how millions of practitioners in China have been arrested, sent to labor camps, and even killed after enduring horrific torture. Many people signed a petition calling for an end to the forced organ harvesting targeting practitioners.

People talked to practitioners and signed a petition to call for an end to the organ harvesting.

Some who hadn’t heard about the CCP’s organ harvesting asked, ‘Why does the Chinese government specifically target practitioners?” Practitioners explained that because the practice improves one’s health, practitioners have become the main victims that supply the vast organ trade market in China.

One woman approached the booth and said, “I rarely take the initiative to approach any booth, but the positive energy here attracted me.” Practitioners handed her some information about Falun Dafa and suggested that she join a free online class to learn the exercises.

She was deeply shocked by the CCP’s persecution. “I just learned about this horrific and extremely tragic news. I can’t believe we didn’t know about this before, and that it has been going on for 25 years. This is insane. What kind of world are we living in? This is intolerable! How can we accept such things? I will sign your petition immediately, hoping it can have an effect. You are very brave, and what you are doing is wonderful.”

Falun Dafa Welcomed at Community Celebration in Toulouse

The Toulouse city government held a community celebration on Saturday, June 15, which attracted many residents. People talked to practitioners to learn more about Falun Dafa, with some asking where the local practice site was and information on how to learn the exercises.

People talk to practitioners to learn more about Falun Dafa

In the afternoon, practitioners demonstrated the five exercises on the central square stage for fifteen minutes, accompanied by peaceful music and a brief introduction. Everyone in the square heard the music, and many passersby stopped to watch. Some took photos and videos, while others tried to follow the practitioners’ movements.

After the demonstration, many people visited the Falun Dafa booth to get more information. One young man said he did not understand why peaceful practitioners were persecuted in China.

The young man was interested in history and knew some facts about the CCP and understood that since its founding, the CCP has continuously sought to eradicate traditional culture and values.

Representatives of other groups also visited the practitioners’ booth, and invited them to introduce Falun Dafa to their organizations.