(Minghui.org) China has been plagued by disasters and suffering over the years, especially with the lifting of the heavy-handed lockdowns during the pandemic. As the economy has gone from bad to worse, people’s hopes have been dashed. The collapse of the real estate and stock markets swallowed up several generations of families’ savings, leaving them with huge debts in many cases. 

The depressed job market has left millions of graduates in dire straits. The former one-child family planning policy often means that now there is only one child in a family to bear the pressure of supporting and caring for their parents. Everyone is worried and anxious. The middle-aged fare the worst, with pressure from all directions. Add that to droughts, floods, hail, mudslides, and traffic accidents, and it is no wonder that people feel helpless, have lost hope, and are desperate and miserable. 

From the perspective of ordinary people, it is indeed very difficult to find a way out. Due to the madness of materialism, selfishness, violence, hate, and atheism propagated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), cases of people going to extremes is on the rise. Some opt to commit suicide by jumping off buildings, some harm others by reckless fraud and scams, and some even attack innocent people on the street, including children.

People in China were originally honest and kind, and they should not have had to endure so many hardships. They could have been saved by having a positive understanding of Dafa. However, due to the arrangement of the old forces, the CCP started to persecute Falun Dafa in 1999, dragging many people with it into committing terrible crimes against the universal principles of Falun Dafa, the foundation of all that exists in the universe, including their own lives. 

With the decline in morality, people have committed countless crimes and accumulated a huge amount of karma. When Master’s Fa-rectification is about to enter the human world, this karma needs to be repaid, and the gods and Buddhas will eliminate those who are hopeless. Even the children and grandchildren of those who have committed crimes will suffer as a result, hence, the occurrence of so many disasters.

This is not something anyone wants to see. The hostility and hatred displayed by the Chinese people are the result of being indoctrinated by the CCP and its political movements. They have been poisoned by atheism and the theory of evolution, leaving people to view harmony, mutual assistance, kindness, and tolerance with contempt and allowing their evil sides to flourish, turning them into selfish, cold-blooded, violent, and perverse individuals. Such obstacles have made saving them even more difficult. 

What should Dafa disciples do in such a chaotic world? Master has made it very clear: 

“Dafa disciples are the hope of humankind—the one and only hope.” (“A Congratulatory Letter to the European Fa Conference in Paris”)

Nowadays, be they rich or poor, officials or ordinary folks, people in China are fearful and have lost hope. Many are stuck in the quagmire of disasters and cannot help themselves. As Dafa practitioners, we should not get involved ourselves, nor should we be indifferent or gloat over their misfortunes. We must show understanding and sympathy, put ourselves in their shoes to consider their feelings, give them guidance and show them a clear way out.

Most people cannot see the causes of the troubled times they are facing, much less the solutions to the current predicament or hope for the future. While we Dafa disciples are still being persecuted or even risk the danger of having our organs harvested by the CCP, we should keep stepping forward to clarify the truth to people, with only kindness and the desire to benefit people in our hearts. Even if they have harmed us in the past, we should use our wisdom and compassion to help them understand Falun Dafa in a way that is easy for them to accept. We should tell them how to be saved and bring them hope. This is the ultimate kindness of Dafa disciples.

We should also explain to people the value and the meaning of life, the importance of returning to tradition and listening to their conscience, as well as the principle of retribution and the basic truth about Falun Gong. We should help them recognize the evil nature and crimes of the CCP and the consequent natural and man-made disasters, and encourage them to quickly withdraw from the CCP organizations so that they can return to tradition, respect heaven, and believe in gods. At the same time, we should tell them the benefits of sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” 

They need to understand that, by doing so, disasters can be turned into blessings to ensure their safety and they will be able to see a bright future waiting for them. Safety is a blessing, and only with safety can there be hope and a future. Many prophecies predicted the disasters today and that only good people can survive and have a bright future.

Those of us who work in the media in particular should manifest the kindness of Dafa disciples. We should be considerate of everyone who may view our media, including our relatives and friends. We must ensure that they do not miss their precious opportunity to be saved.

We should report the facts objectively, tell people that Dafa is good, expose the CCP’s crimes, and let people make their own choices in the face of the truth. Our words and deeds must show the kindness and compassion of Dafa disciples from the inside out. 

We have righteousness in our hearts (our firm belief in gods and Buddhas and our compassionate thoughts towards people, not the so-called “positive energy” advocated by the CCP), and we don’t complain or grumble like ordinary people. The CCP incites hatred and violence, and yet we influence and save people with compassion. The contrast between good and evil can also help people who are confused to wake up.

We should show compassion with no discrimination even for those in law enforcement and the judiciary who have persecuted Dafa practitioners in the past. We should treat them as our own family, not only on the surface but from our hearts. We should sincerely hope that they will understand the truth and be saved and sincerely regard everyone in the world as Master’s relatives and as our own family. As for those who indeed cannot be saved, we should just let them be without any attachment. 

People in law enforcement and the judiciary who were sanctioned for participating in the persecution of Falun Dafa are not all hopeless and beyond help, either. It is just that they played different roles in the human world. Before they descended into this world, they knew clearly what their fate might be, but they still dared to come down to be police officers this time around. It would have taken enormous courage, determination, and confidence to do that. 

Due to all kinds of factors, they have indeed lost their way and committed grave sins. They are terrified by the sanctions and misfortunes of retribution. These people are also victims of the CCP persecution. In a sense, they are the most severely persecuted, because they will lose the most and will face the greatest karmic debt, not just the mere sanctions in the human world.

When we descended to the human world together, we reminded each other that if anyone got lost, we should wake them up so that we could return to heaven together. These lost souls were also once very good beings, so if conditions permit, we should do our best to try to wake them up and tell them the truth. We should take into account their fears and worries and tell them the importance of making up for their sins as soon as possible. The gods and Buddhas are watching, and Dafa disciples are also watching. If they truly want to atone for their sins and make up for the losses they have caused Dafa disciples, we can then consider removing them from the list of villains. Our goal is to save people, not to punish them. 

Who hasn’t made a mistake? Master treats everyone with compassion regardless of their sins, and he wants to save all sentient beings. We should also do our best to save as many people as possible. The list of perpetrators we have submitted to various governments in Western countries is to deter the evil, ease the persecution in China, and allow more people to be saved, not for the sake of sanctioning the individuals involved in the persecution.

As long as things have not yet come to an end, we should not regard anyone as hopeless. Everything is changing, and this includes practitioners. Some are constantly breaking through their human shells and rapidly ascending, some are stagnant or lax in their cultivation, and some are being distracted by human attachments and sliding down. In the midst of chaos, Dafa disciples must not lose our direction. We must hurry up and cultivate ourselves well, do the three things well, and save more sentient beings from the grip of the old forces.