(Minghui.org) I am an elderly Falun Dafa practitioner who began to practice Dafa in 1999. I have encountered many ups and downs during my 25 years of cultivation. Nevertheless, given Master’s protection, I continue to cultivate.

However, I still have many attachments, especially the attachment of jealousy. Today, I would like to expose and get rid of it.

One day last fall, a practitioner dropped off half a bag of Dafa magazines and books at my house. I was very unhappy.

I was involved in downloading and producing those Dafa materials, and she was the one who was waiting to read those materials after I printed them. After she was done reading them, she packed them up and brought them back to my house, since space was tight in her house.

From studying the Fa, I realized that I have a strong attachment of jealousy and am somehow unbalanced. I know that there is nothing accidental in cultivation and that my encounter with this practitioner could have been arranged by Master to expose my deeply hidden human attachments so that I could truly cultivate.

I knew I should sincerely understand the difficulties and hardships that fellow practitioners might have encountered. It could be that she might not have a place to store those materials, so she brought them back because I have the space.

As a cultivator, I should consider others first. This incident was to test whether I still had human notions. This test was a good thing. However, I did not do well. From this incident, my human notions were exposed. If I did not look inward carefully, I wouldn’t have realized it. After checking, I not only found my jealousy but also resentment, competitiveness, and the need to save face.

Master said,

“Do you realize that as long as you’re a cultivator, in any environment or under any circumstances, I will use any troubles or unpleasant things you come across—even if they involve work for Dafa, or no matter how good or sacred you think they are—to eliminate your attachments and expose your demon-nature so that it can be eliminated, for your improvement is what’s most important.” (“Further Understanding,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

There was a reason for me to experience that incident, because I still have many attachments. Now I am able to find them, expose them, and get rid of them.

It is very sacred for us to become fellow practitioners. We should cherish this opportunity, make progress together, walk the rest of our cultivation paths well, and be worthy of Master’s compassion.