(Minghui.org) During the COVID pandemic, my wife became ill and needed to get prescriptions from the hospital filled regularly. The hospital would not allow me to enter because I wasn’t vaccinated, so I asked our daughter to get the medications. I gave my daughter her mother’s medical insurance card. She did this for a year. 

The medical insurance card is also the pension fund card, and my daughter told me that the authorities had not issued my wife any pension for a year. I told my daughter several times to return the card to me so that I could go to the authorities and sort things out. When she kept delaying, I pressed on and she eventually gave the card back. When I went to the bank, the clerk told me that our daughter had gradually withdrawn all of her mother’s pension over the past year. When I asked her to return the money, she refused. 

A couple of years later, my wife was hospitalized. I, at the age of 70, stayed by her bedside for three months. My daughter never once came to visit or help. For three months, I couldn’t sleep well on the couch and didn’t eat well at the hospital cafeteria. It was exhausting for me. The patients and their families sharing the room with my wife felt sorry for me and spoke ill of my daughter. Although I agreed with what they said, I defended my daughter, saying that she didn’t have time to visit because she needed to work.

A few years passed, but whenever I thought back on the things my daughter had done, I felt angry. One day, while I meditated, I remembered the past, and I couldn’t help but think, “She’s a terrible daughter; I might as well sever ties with her.” As soon as the thought emerged, I felt a stream of evil black energy drilling into my chest. I immediately focused on my ill thoughts and looked within: “My daughter has a good nature, and she was brave to come to the human world with Master Li. Her selfish behavior is helping me improve in my practice and expose my attachments to money and comfort.” When these thoughts emerged, the black evil energy stopped drilling into me. 

My grudge had summoned the black energy. Had I not looked within and instead kept blaming my daughter, or worse, even started to fight with her, then the black energy would have kept coming into my body, and would eventually cause my health to decline. In some of the articles I read on Minghui, many practitioners became sick because they couldn’t relinquish the grudges they held. Some practitioners even lost their lives.

Master said:

“Back then, as I was saving you, a lot of you were cursing at me. There were people who were cursing at me even while at my classes. I don’t mind. I just want to save you.” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)

As long as we look at others’ advantages and strengths, we will not develop a grudge against them. People used to be the sacred kings and lords in the worlds high above. Without fearing the vicious and degenerated human world, they came here so they could save the beings in their worlds and help Master rectify the world. We should thank them (all people), treat them with kindness, and save them.