(Minghui.org) I am a Dafa practitioner who was fortunate to attend Master’s lectures in the early days when he was teaching the Fa in China. I have experienced tribulations and setbacks in my cultivation, but no matter what the situation, the Fa has been guiding me forward. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance have been ingrained in the deepest parts of my life, and my belief in the cosmic truth is indestructible. I have been walking the path of returning to my true self, as Master compassionately takes care of me every step of the way.

Experiencing the Beauty of Dafa

After I was released from prison again in 2017, I knew that I needed a stable environment to study the Fa with a focused mind. I went to live with a practitioner in another town and stayed with him at his rented place. He had been released one year earlier than me. He lived alone, and his place was quiet. I used all my time and energy to practice cultivation there. I would practice the five sets of exercises in the morning, study one lecture of the Fa, then begin to memorize the Fa. I also studied the Fa-teachings in different places and Master’s new lectures, without leaving out any. Sometimes other practitioners would visit us for group Fa study and sharing. That period of time was beautiful. I felt like I was an ignorant child who had just come back into the embrace of Master. Every single cell of mine was assimilated to the cosmic Dafa.

Seven months later, I found a job at a school. I worked in the evenings on weekdays, and during the day on weekends. It was quite relaxing. I did my job devotedly, and used my spare time to study the Fa, practice the exercises, and clarify the truth to people. Every day, I would study two lectures and listen to one lecture of the Fa, and practice the exercises twice: once in the morning and again in the evening. I would also listen to Minghui podcasts. The practitioner who I lived with went to another city to work, so most of the time I would stay alone, but I felt fulfilled and happy. I was energetic and did a lot of work at the school. A colleague asked me how old I was. When I told him, he said that his father was one year younger than me, but I looked much younger. When other practitioners, who hadn’t seen me for a few months, saw me again, they would say that the more I cultivated, the younger I look.

I enlightened to the importance of studying the Fa with a focused mind, as my body was always light and full of energy. I could do twice the amount of work with half the effort. I was immersed in the Fa; it was wonderful beyond words. We just need to do the things we should do, keeping every thought on the Fa and holding righteous thoughts. I would not miss a chance to validate the Fa and clarify the truth. By the time I left the employ of the school, most of my colleagues had quit the CCP and its affiliates and had chosen a bright future for themselves.

Experiencing the Power of Compassion

I went to another city in 2019, and started working in a property management company in 2022. I was in charge of monitoring the surveillance cameras on the night shift. A new colleague started later that year. I clarified the truth to him, and he quit the CCP. I reminded him of some things that he had neglected at work. He got angry, cursed me and grabbed my clothes. I calmly looked at him, didn’t say anything, and kept thinking that as a cultivator I should be different from him. Because I safeguarded my xinxing that day, when I practiced the exercises later I felt I was wrapped by a strong mass of energy, which felt marvelous. I knew Master was encouraging me.

Days later, the manager talked to me. He said that he heard about that coworker cursing me and planned to fire him. I said, “Please don’t! It’s not easy for him to find a job. He might have thought I criticized him, and then got angry, because the tone of my voice was not kind enough.” The manager didn’t expect I would say that, and told me that I was a good person. From then on, whenever that colleague met me, he would treat me with respect. When we worked together, he would take the initiative to share my workload, and we had a great working relationship. One rainy morning, when I went to pick up my electric bicycle to go home, I saw that it was covered with a large plastic sheet. I knew that coworker did it. I felt a warmth in my heart, and experienced the power of compassion.

Ridding Myself of the Attachment to Lust

I knew a female practitioner in 2022. She had difficulties in her family at that time, and I often went to help her during my time off. My sympathy gradually changed to admiration, and she also helped me a lot. I felt happy staying with her. The attachment to lust unknowingly grew, until one day another practitioner sternly pointed out my problem. I realized that my cultivation state had seriously deviated from the Fa.

At the time, Master published “Stay Out of Danger” and “Dafa Spiritual Practice is Serious”. After reading these new scriptures, I was ashamed for failing to live up to Master’s expectations. I reflected on myself: I live by myself in a rented place, and have a relaxed working environment, but I slacked off in cultivation. I looked inward, and noticed that although I studied the Fa and practiced the exercises every day, my heart was not in the Fa and I lost my diligence during the long-lasting persecution. I also bore the longing for living an everyday life. I only studied the Fa as a formality, and didn’t focus on the Fa. I had a dream, where I was catching a bus or was in a hurry to do something, and I ejaculated. I realized it was the demon of lust persecuting me. Learning from this mistake, I was determined to change and make amends.

Looking inward is the treasure that Master bestows on Dafa disciples. We should cultivate each thought of ours and let go of the attachments to lust, comfort, benefit, vanity, envy, showing off, etc.

I said to Master in my mind, “Master, I don’t want these dirty things. I want to let go of them and rectify myself! I won’t dishonor Dafa!” I extended the times and lengths of sending righteous thoughts, and thereby cleansed more of these evil substances from me.

Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. To cultivate in Dafa is the happiest thing in my life. I will memorize the Fa by heart, study the Fa more and well, do the three things well, and try to be a qualified Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period. Thank you, Master for your salvation!